The More You Know


The More You Know

Insurance can be one of the most confusing items in your life – but it shouldn’t be. If you know what questions to ask and can find someone to give you the right answers, you will find all the clarity you need. Here are some things we think you should know or ask in regards to various types of insurance:

What type of insurance do I need?
Once I have guaranteed replacement coverage for my home, do I need anything else?
If I have a home office/business, do I need any special insurance?
Does homeowner’s insurance cover me if, say, someone slips on my front steps, breaks a leg and sues me?
How do I decide the amount of coverage I want or need?
How much or how little is covered?
Should I just let the bank pick my policy?
How do I know if an item needs additional coverage?
Are all accidents in my home covered?
What discounts do I get if I have added safety features?
Is coverage for legal assistance included?
Is car insurance an absolute must?
What about life insurance?
How can I figure out how much life insurance I need?
Can I control the cost of coverage?
Does health insurance help if I’m sick or injured and laid up for a while?

There are so many other questions and items to consider for all of the various insurance you may need. We can answer all of those questions for you and give you the knowledge and control to enable you to make the most informed decisions.

The More You Know
The More You Know

New Year Update

As humans, people, consumers, etc… We love to constantly update our life status, as well as be up-to-date on the latest and greatest. It can be the newest cell phones, techno-gadgets, movies, and fashion – whatever. We like to appear to our social universe as being interesting, exciting, fresh, and new. It is a competition of who can post and update first or who can get the newest ‘it’ item. Nobody wants to finish last or be left behind. It is all about the update!

Do you know what else needs to be updated?
Your insurance policies.

The start of the year is always a good time to review all of your polices and make any necessary changes. However, it is almost entering the third month of the year – have no fear! There is still plenty of time to update, but don’t procrastinate.
I know a woman that updates her policies almost a dozen times per year. She is always reviewing coverage to ensure that it matches with her current coverage needs and lifestyle. Marriage, divorce, children, pets, change of job, business ownership, and health – all of these events create a change in insurance policies. She consistently updates, because she knows that as life goes through changes, the amount and type of coverage for each policy must also change.

Have you made any major purchases? Save your receipts and educate yourself on inflation and exchange rates (for items purchased overseas) and how those might affect the value of your items and the replacement value as well. On the other side, be aware of insured items that have potentially depreciated. You don’t want to be paying a ton of extra money for being over-insured.
Did you do any major home renovations? Added solar panels? Updated your security system? Yes – you need to update!

Don’t get discourage or confused and feel like you have to go at this alone. Yes, there is plenty of information you can find on the internet, but our recommendation is to contact your agent and allow them to assist. Updating isn’t a difficult process, but it is an important one that deserve a lot of attention to detail. The right changes can save you money – now and in the future.

NOW might be a good time to review and update all your policies and make sure everything is still in alignment with your lifestyle. Then you can be the first among your friends to brag and update your social status!

Update NOW!
Update NOW!

Only Human

Things in our lives are constantly evolving, changing. It’s inevitable. There are many people who crack under the pressure and stress of change, making complicated situations even worse and slowing the growth process.

We currently have numerous opportunities afforded to us that our ancestors quite possibly couldn’t even comprehend. I think those “perks” make the wheels of change turn even faster than they once did. Life is fast-paced and hectic. We often convince ourselves that we have the strength and endurance of superhero. Certainly we can argue that we’re all superhero material in our own way, but we still have to remind ourselves that failure can and will happen. We are only human after all. Sometimes change comes in the form of a sudden event – illness, car accident or any event that can turn life upside-down in the blink of an eye. When those moments strike, we don’t want you worrying about ANYTHING other than getting back on your feet.

Take a moment and look at life insurance through a different lens. Buying life insurance doesn’t have to be stressful. We underst and the struggles of comparing life insurance companies and policies, because we’ve been there. It can be confusing and frustrating, which is why we are here for you now. We wanted to make it easy for you to feel financially protected and we have done just that. We can offer protection whether you’re old or young, sick or healthy, male or female, gay or straight, married or single.

No matter what, we’ve got you covered.

We All Need a Doctor At Some Point

What are the chances you will get sick soon?  We all need to see a doctor at some point, which means we all need health insurance.  When searching for health insurance coverage, make sure you know your options.  Underst anding the different types of policies is extremely important and can affect the amount you pay and the type of coverage you receive.  It now goes WAY beyond just in or out of network.  Purchasing the cheapest or even the most expensive policy isn’t always the best idea either.

If you aren’t currently employed or have very little money, there are still some affordable health insurance options available:

  • COBRA – Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act
  • Workers’ Compensation
  • Medicaid
  • Medicare
  • The Health Insurance Marketplace for Pre-Existing Conditions
  • Short Term Health Insurance Coverage
  • Group Insurance from Organization Memberships
  • Group Health Expenses Sharing Plan
  • Health Care Sharing Ministry
  • Health Insurance Discount Cards


If you are looking to lower your insurance costs, it is important to remember the following things:

There are alternatives to buying individual health insurance

Know what you need and can afford

  • Make sure you plan has these essentials: Outpatient care
  • Emergency room visits
  • Inpatient care in a hospital
  • Care before and after your baby is born
  • Mental health and substance abuse services
  • Prescription drugs
  • Lab tests
  • Preventive services

Compare ALL plans and costs

Shop around

Pick the plan that best meets your individual healthcare needs.

Susman Insurance has a group of health insurance professionals to help you find the perfect policy and the most affordable price.  Please contact us as soon as possible so we can get you covered.


Stop Seeking Clarity – It’s Right Here


Simply defined, it is:

  1. a :  the business of insuring persons or property
  2. b :  coverage by contract whereby one party undertakes to indemnify or guarantee another against loss by a specified contingency or peril
  3. c :  the sum for which something is insured
  4. 2 :  a means of guaranteeing protection or safety <the contract is your insurance against price changes>

(Merriam-Webster, 2016)

Again, that is just the simple definition.

For some of us that is just a bill we automatically pay each month or a deduction that comes immediately out of our paychecks.  For others, it is a lifeline and security for the future.  For all of us, it is extremely important.

Sometimes it is difficult to know which policy is the right policy.

Do you have what seems like endless questions regarding insurance coverage?

You are not alone.

You are not the only person to wonder about the who, what, when, where, why, and how?

Who needs insurance?  Who do I talk to about coverage?

What are the types of insurance?  What do I need to do to get insured?  What will it take to get the coverage I need?  What are the best rates?

When do I need to get life insurance?  When will my policy become active?

Where do I find a reliable insurance broker?  Where can I compare rates?  Where is my money going?

Why is insurance so important?

How much is insurance?  How do I know I will be approved?  How long before my coverage begins?

The questions seem endless and it all can be so confusing.

However, the right insurance agent already has the answers and can take the infinite list and narrow it down to just a few simple statements.  Education is the key to choosing the right policy/policies for you and your loved ones.  The types and varieties of insurance policies are almost infinite.  They include different features, coverage, and most definitely, costs.  It takes a certain amount of research – and patience – to find the right policies.  This is not something that you can go into blindly or just haphazardly sign on the dotted line without being completely educated.  The best thing to do is NOT go at it alone.  Yes, spend the time educating yourself, but also invest in partnering with an insurance agent – that you trusts and make you feel comfortable.  This partnership can last a life time and greatly decrease the amount of confusion and stress that can surround the purchasing of various insurance policies.
A competent and successful independent insurance agent can and will provide you with clarity, information, quotes, and a policy.  Please contact us today.  We have all of your insurance needs covered.

Time to find some clarity
Time to find some clarity


Discounts Everywhere

Do you like discounts?  I know I do!  In fact, I don’t now anyone that doesn’t like to save money!  There are numerous factors that can determine the type of discounts you are eligible to receive on your car insurance.  Your gender, age, location, and driving record are the most common discounts that most of us either know about, hear about, and/or currently receive.  However, the majority of us out there have no idea how many other discounts are available – and if we don’t know about them, then we can’t ask about them, and then we can’t receive them!

You can potentially get discounts for – age, gender, location, driving record, driving training courses, multiple vehicles, policy bundling, being a good student, maintaining low mileage, having a low-risk profession, having a public service career, holding a degree in a specifc occupation, have memberships to  auto clubs, credit unions, alumni organizations ( and more), bing in the military, being a federal employee, paying your policy in full – and SO MUCH MORE.

That is nowhere near an all encompassing list of potential discounts.  Speak to your insurance agent as soon as possible and see how much money you could be saving with all these “hidden” discounts!


No More 9-5

Our lives change daily and sometimes super-fast and dramatically. It isn’t as ‘easy’ as it was back in the day. The 9-5 lifestyle of the man working and the woman at home has changed. Yes, it still happens, but it is not as common as it once was. It has become more common for both parents to work outside the home, because of the increase in the cost of living and the need to cover all expenses. Trying to cover basic needs can be overwhelming. Keeping a roof over your head, gas in the car and food in the fridge is a herculean task in itself, let alone trying to afford private school tuition for your kids or paying off college loans or even simply building up the savings account so you can cover unexpected costs like repairs for your car.

Imagine if you didn’t have all the income you needed to cover all your expenses. Imagine of you were suddenly left without the second income – or worse, left without your spouse due to a sudden and unexpected death. The stress of thinking how hard that would be on your loved ones is why we talk so often about the importance of having a life insurance policy that will support your family when you die. There is a lot of comfort in knowing your family won’t have to struggle through a financial mess, that your kids will be taken care of, that your small business will still survive.

There are plenty of options when it comes to your life insurance. We offer a very personalized service – as personalized as you want. Whether you speak to use directly purchase online, we hope you get a life insurance policy sooner rather than later.


“Fall” Into a Policy

Just like that…September is over.


I LOVE October. The weather finally starts to cool off (a little), the leaves change, and pumpkin foods fill the stores.  Costume and c andy time will come at the end of the month, but until then it is all about fall weather and pumpkins for me.  Beside Halloween, it is pretty much the last month of relaxation and mellow time before the holiday frenzy sets in.  It is probably a really good time to create your monthly to-do list and re-prioritize.  The more projects, err ands, and such that you complete during October, the less stress you will experience during November and December.  After all, who doesn’t want to feel more focus when planning the holidays and doing all that shopping?

If you didn’t put this on your list at the beginning of September, it is no time to put it at the top of your to-do list for October – IT IS TIME TO GET A LIFE INSURANCE POLICY.

Come on…no more procrastinating or excuses. There is absolutely no reason for you to continue without a policy.  Do it today and get it out of the way.  You will have the rest of the month to work through your remaining to-do list and can do it without the stress of worry about a life insurance policy.

Fall into a Policy
Fall into a Policy

Insurance Trackers

By now you have probably heard about those car insurance trackers – you know, the advertisements that talk about those little devices you somehow plug into your car so it can track how you drive and then determine how much you should par for your car insurance and what level of insurance you need…??

How do those work? Do they really serve as a way to save you money?

The device connects to the internal computer system of your vehicle and sifts through all the information and date until it finds what it needs to determine how safely you drive.  This info is then sent directly and wirelessly to the insurance company that you opted in with for this program.  Often times you have to use the tracker for at least six months. During this time period, the device tracks habits, speed, accidents, time spent driving, distances, level and rate of braking, and sometime even location.

There are pros and cons to using such a device.  Many consumers find the tracker to be a success and saved money in the process.  Others didn’t like the outcome, didn’t save ‘enough’ money, or didn’t find the process to be fair.  As of now, nobody is required to utilize a tracking device.  You best bet is to stay in contact with an insurance agent you trust and keep your car insurance updated at all times.


Do Zombies Need Insurance?

Imagine living in a place swarming with zombies—no… a world of zombies (just go with it!). Governments have fallen, CDC is at a loss, the world’s armies have been decimated, and the human race is outnumbered. The only thing that is still operational just so happens to be portions of your city and local businesses, including your insurance agent AND your life insurance policy. Crazy, right?! This means that money still is of value, but not for long. If the news reports are anything to go off of, the horde should be descending upon your home in just a few weeks’ time. You’ve managed to keep your family safe and secluded, but the little piece of utopia you’ve managed to steal won’t last forever. Your family doesn’t know this, but you’ve been bitten. You have only a couple days until you succumb to the fever and lose yourself to the monster that is inside of you, and you have yet to say your goodbyes.

However, you have a plan. Your life insurance policy is valid and can protect and assist your family in their lives during the apocalypse after you have passed. Once you die, they will receive the payout you negotiated with the company you entrusted your legacy to, and they will be able to use that money to purchase guns and ammunition, medical supplies, non-perishable food, drinking water, and various other necessities for during the great zombie war.

You’ve done your part, but you can’t help but think about how differently things would’ve gone down had you not invested in life insurance.
