Insurance Trackers

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Insurance Trackers

By now you have probably heard about those car insurance trackers – you know, the advertisements that talk about those little devices you somehow plug into your car so it can track how you drive and then determine how much you should par for your car insurance and what level of insurance you need…??

How do those work? Do they really serve as a way to save you money?

The device connects to the internal computer system of your vehicle and sifts through all the information and date until it finds what it needs to determine how safely you drive.  This info is then sent directly and wirelessly to the insurance company that you opted in with for this program.  Often times you have to use the tracker for at least six months. During this time period, the device tracks habits, speed, accidents, time spent driving, distances, level and rate of braking, and sometime even location.

There are pros and cons to using such a device.  Many consumers find the tracker to be a success and saved money in the process.  Others didn’t like the outcome, didn’t save ‘enough’ money, or didn’t find the process to be fair.  As of now, nobody is required to utilize a tracking device.  You best bet is to stay in contact with an insurance agent you trust and keep your car insurance updated at all times.
