Insurance Fun Facts


Insurance Fun Facts

We don’t always want to be serious and beat a dead horse about how much we want you to have the right insurance policies and always keep them updated!

We also like fun stuff – we promise!  Check-out these super silly insurance-related facts we found on the wonderful internet – some of them might be worth your time to explore further.  The stories that go along with the facts a quite interesting and entertaining!

The Padres have signed the same h andicapped ball player 20 years in row so he doesn’t lose his health insurance. San Diego has signed former left-h ander Matt LaChappa to a minor league deal each year since 1996, when LaChappa suffered a heart attack while warming up in the bullpen for a Class-A game.

Top and bottom. Ugly Betty star America Ferrera had had her teeth insured by her sponsor, Aquafresh, for $10,000,000 while Jennifer Lo has insured her butt for $27,000,000.

A French man, Max Herve-George, has an insurance policy that lets him trade stocks based on last week’s prices. It has been called the stupidest contract ever signed, and may end up with him owning the insurance company.

Dolly Parton first insured her famous 40DD breasts in the 1970’s for the then princely sum of $ 600,000.

The Apollo Astronauts, unable to qualify for life insurance and not insured by NASA, resorted to ‘insurance autographs’, signing just before launch in the expectation that the value would skyrocket in the event of their deaths.

Hiding behind teeth lies the tongue, and Gene Simmons, bassist for 70’s b and, Kiss, once insured his for $1,000,000.

Iran eliminated its kidney transplant waiting list by incentivizing unrelated donors with financial compensation and health insurance.

Coffee taster Gennaro Pelliccia has had his taste buds insured for $10 million by employer Costa Coffee.

Amish refuse to pay the premium or accept the benefits of social security.

No insurance company will underwrite Jackie Chan’s productions.

Hawaii has required employers to pay health insurance benefits to employees who work 20 hours or more per week since 1975.

“Lord of the Dance” Michael Flatley insured his legs for $40 million.

Japanese life insurance will pay, even if you commit suicide. One of many reasons for the high suicide rate in Japan.



Sources: and-quite-possibly-useless-insurance-facts/




The More You Know

Insurance can be one of the most confusing items in your life – but it shouldn’t be. If you know what questions to ask and can find someone to give you the right answers, you will find all the clarity you need. Here are some things we think you should know or ask in regards to various types of insurance:

What type of insurance do I need?
Once I have guaranteed replacement coverage for my home, do I need anything else?
If I have a home office/business, do I need any special insurance?
Does homeowner’s insurance cover me if, say, someone slips on my front steps, breaks a leg and sues me?
How do I decide the amount of coverage I want or need?
How much or how little is covered?
Should I just let the bank pick my policy?
How do I know if an item needs additional coverage?
Are all accidents in my home covered?
What discounts do I get if I have added safety features?
Is coverage for legal assistance included?
Is car insurance an absolute must?
What about life insurance?
How can I figure out how much life insurance I need?
Can I control the cost of coverage?
Does health insurance help if I’m sick or injured and laid up for a while?

There are so many other questions and items to consider for all of the various insurance you may need. We can answer all of those questions for you and give you the knowledge and control to enable you to make the most informed decisions.

The More You Know
The More You Know

American Dream

How would you describe the American Dream?

By definition, it is the ideal that every citizen of the United States should have an equal opportunity to achieve success and prosperity through hard work, determination, and initiative. The terms was originally coined in 1931 by writer and historian James Truslow in Epic of America. He wrote:
“The American Dream is that dream of a l and in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement. It is a difficult dream for the European upper classes to interpret adequately, and too many of us ourselves have grown weary and mistrustful of it. It is not a dream of motor cars and high wages merely, but a dream of social order in which each man and each woman shall be able to attain to the fullest stature of which they are innately capable, and be recognized by others for what they are, regardless of the fortuitous circumstances of birth or position.”

There are so many opportunities available to you for your own American Dream. Is what you have now what you dreamed it would be?
Regardless of the path you chose or are currently choosing in pursuit of your personal American Dream, you want to make sure you include insurance coverage and protection. For example, a big part of many people’s dream is to become a homeowner. You pinch pennies, tighten the budget, and save-save-save – finally you buy a home!!

Immediately – Get Homeowners Insurance! Homeowner’s insurance is a specific type of property insurance that protects your home against damages or to your possessions in the home. It also provides liability coverage against accidents in the home or on your property. So, if your buddy drinks a little too much, trips over your dog, and falls down the stairs – you are protected! However, ‘acts of god,’ war, aliens, earthquakes, floods, zombies, and many others are not covered and you may have to seek different policies for some of those items. You can’t just pick any homeowners policy. There are seven forms of homeowners insurance that offer various levels of protection depending on your needs. The best way to choose your level of coverage is to work with you insurance agent. They can evaluate your needs as a homeowner and recommend the best level of coverage.

There is so much more of your dream to protect than just your home. Evaluate where you are – where you are going – where you want to be – and get that insurance so your American Dream stays protected!

American Dream
American Dream

Meet Debbie.

Meet Debbie.
Debbie is going to share the story of Bob.

Bob was a man from a large family, with a lot of drive, and successful in business and at home life.
When Bob’s father died, he left his family penniless and Bob decided that he would never leave his own family in that same state of affairs. He made sure that he had insurance all of his life and was able to make it have a cash value that could be borrowed at a decent rate. This story is a real example of why it is so important to have life insurance.

Travel Time

Any time is a good time to travel. Sure, it depends on where you want to go and the weather season, but for most of us, everything from a quick getaway to an extended exotic vacation is something we love to do and can’t ever come soon enough.
You find the perfect location, plan your adventure, book the tickets, and upon check-out you are ask if you would like to purchase insurance to protect your trip.

Would you? Should you?

Often times not only do you wave goodbye to your family when departing for your vacation, but also to your insurance coverage – especially as soon as you leave the United States.
The most common items (deemed reasonable) covered by travel insurance include medical emergencies, visitor health insurance, delayed, lost, or stolen baggage, and trip cancellation/interruption (death, bodily injury, illness, disease, pregnancy complications, termination of employment, deployment, prohibition of travel to the destination, evacuation from the destination). Sometimes additional policies can be purchased for more specific needs such as pre-existing conditions, elective treatments or surgery, war, and terrorism. An added bonus of travel insurance is it is often there to help 24 hours a day/7 days a week.

So do you need it?

If you are a worrier, this might be a good way to give you peace of mind. If your trip is just a couple days domestically, you probably don’t need it. We gave you some of the pros and the type of coverage you can get, but there are also reason why you might decide not to get travel insurance. For example, you might already be covered on your current insurance, your credit card might already offer additional travel protection, or maybe you just aren’t worried about any type of loss. It all depends on the individual.

It is definitely worth the time to do some research about the coverage available and the health care services available at your destination. As always, it is better to be over-prepared.

Travel Without Worry
Travel Without Worry

Think Before You Act

I watched a report on television tonight about drugs and alcohol abuse. It wasn’t just one of those statistical reports that spouted off mindless numbers and socioeconomic causes. The show interviewed numerous different people:

Current addicts
Former addicts
People currently in rehab centers
People in hospitals due to permanent damage from substance abuse
People in jail due to killing someone because of substance abuse
Friends, family, and loved ones affected by users/abusers

I have experienced people I love go down the road of addiction. Sometimes an intervention worked and other times it didn’t. This show reminded me of that. It was painful and sad to watch, but also a major eye opener. Addiction or abuse of drugs and alcohol aren’t the only issues that plague the health and wellbeing of those closest to us. A loved one that you knew at one time could have been perfectly healthy and on the right track and the next thing you know, they have made a sudden decision that altered their life forever. While abusing drugs and alcohol is no joke, this sudden shift from the right track to the wrong one can be the unfortunate case in some many other aspects in life. It only takes one small movement or ripple to cause a massive wave in our own lives and in the lives of those around us. Sometimes we fail to look at the big picture and don’t truly underst and cause and effect.

Take a minute to reevaluate the decisions you think you are going to make today or don’t be so quick to leap before looking. Your life is so much more important than that – and so much more important to those that love you than you can ever imagine.


Yes, You NEED Car Insurance

Have you ever been in a car accident? I have.
Luckily, I have never been at fault, but unfortunately, I have been hit more than once by a driver that didn’t have insurance.

Imagine this scenario:
You are the first car at a complete stop at the red light of a major intersection. While listening to your favorite radio station and waiting for the light to turn green, SMASH!
You get rear-ended.
The driver behind you was busy looking at a text on his cell phone and didn’t realize he needed to actually stop his car prior to hitting you.
Once the realization of the hit and whiplash registers, you step out of your car. There is severe damage to your vehicle, yet barely a dent to his. Of course. You start the process of exchanging information, but notice that he starts to get really uncomfortable. Clearly, he doesn’t have proper car insurance. In fact, he admits that he doesn’t have any auto coverage.

Car insurance is important and necessary.
To start, it is the law. Most states require that all drivers carry minimum liability coverage. Driving without insurance means you are breaking the law and if you get caught, it can result in substantial fines, increased insurance premiums, and even a suspended license. Outside of it being the law, your vehicle is a very important part of your life. They are an expensive investment that need protecting. You would probably have a very hard time functioning without your car. Cause an accident and be at fault – it could get so expensive that you can’t afford your other bills and worst-case scenario, have to file bankruptcy. Making a small monthly payment toward your total premium now, can save you a ton of money later on. HUGE expenses can results from being in a car accident. With over 6.5 million car accidents happening every year in America alone, you need the coverage for you, the car, the passengers, and property. It provides peace of mind knowing that you are financially protected and have the assistance of an insurance agent to help you through the claim process.

Do you still need other reasons?
Your car insurance provides a level of legal protection between you and other drivers that wouldn’t hesitate to sue you for even the most ridiculous reasons.
It also offers protection from the nasty acts of Mother Nature. Hail, flood, icicles piercing your windshield, swept up by a tornado, etc.…you really want to have that coverage in case Mother Nature strikes!

YIKES! Got Car Insurance?
YIKES! Got Car Insurance?

Only Human

Things in our lives are constantly evolving, changing. It’s inevitable. There are many people who crack under the pressure and stress of change, making complicated situations even worse and slowing the growth process.

We currently have numerous opportunities afforded to us that our ancestors quite possibly couldn’t even comprehend. I think those “perks” make the wheels of change turn even faster than they once did. Life is fast-paced and hectic. We often convince ourselves that we have the strength and endurance of superhero. Certainly we can argue that we’re all superhero material in our own way, but we still have to remind ourselves that failure can and will happen. We are only human after all. Sometimes change comes in the form of a sudden event – illness, car accident or any event that can turn life upside-down in the blink of an eye. When those moments strike, we don’t want you worrying about ANYTHING other than getting back on your feet.

Take a moment and look at life insurance through a different lens. Buying life insurance doesn’t have to be stressful. We underst and the struggles of comparing life insurance companies and policies, because we’ve been there. It can be confusing and frustrating, which is why we are here for you now. We wanted to make it easy for you to feel financially protected and we have done just that. We can offer protection whether you’re old or young, sick or healthy, male or female, gay or straight, married or single.

No matter what, we’ve got you covered.

Doomsday – oops, Black Friday!

Happy Thanksgiving!!  Well, happy day AFTER Thanksgiving – or better known as Black Friday.

Black Friday.

The one day during the year where some people rush through the holiday family meal where they are supposedly giving thanks to/for all they have, only to go st and in line for hours to get a “deal” on items which, they more often purchase for themselves – and forgetting what it is that they were thankful for in the first place.

I am a fan of putting money into business, but unfortunately it is days like today that can sometimes bring out the worst in people.  Later this evening we will be hearing news reports about people getting in fights, trampled, or even worse.

It is sad, disappointing, and scary.

On another note, this is the perfect time to remind you that you need to either get insurance that you don’t already have ( and need) or update your current polices.  There is not better day than Black Friday to make sure your car is protected during gridlock traffic around the mall, your health insurance will cover an injuries that may occur or flu bugs you pick-up while st anding next to that sick lady in line, and your life insurance – well, just in case.

All jokes aside, we wish you a happy holiday weekend and season and hope you have all the insurance you need for the moments that you need it the most.



Gobble, Gobble


Here comes Thanksgiving!

In a few days we will all be sitting down with our favorite people (hopefully they rank among our favorites)  and eat all the delicious food.  However, there are the dangers of Thanksgiving that one must be aware of (cue ominous music). For example, the classic, “Who poisoned the sweet potatoes and marshmallows?” Or, or… you know, you could accidentally get a turkey leg stuck in your throat and choke. People have been known to display extremely gluttonous behavior on this wonderfully hazardous day!


A tribe of angry Native Americans could charge into your family gathering, wielding spears packed with the wrath of centuries worth of being misunderstood and segregated, then having a holiday created in their name depicting what really happened as something worth celebrating.

We are just kidding – we hope! We just wanted to give you a laugh and a smile, but also wanted to express the importance of the various types of insurance you need to protect you during the holidays – and on all days!  Happy Thanksgiving everyone!