Do you collect things?
Is your collection of Star Wars paraphernalia so massive and impressive that it would make George Lucas jealous? Do you have every Beanie Baby in existence? Perhaps your collection is a little more unique?
Check out some of these collections:
-Santa Clause – Sharon Badgley, is all about Santa Claus. Over the years she has amassed an impressive collection of Santa Claus dolls that number more than 6,000
-Happy Meal Toys – Luke Underwood was just 11 years old when he was able to boast a collection of over 7,000 promotional toys that were included with McDonald’s Happy Meals.
-Owls – Pam Barker of Leeds, Maine is happy to settle for owl dolls and other owl-themed novelty items. The collection of more than 18,000 owl-inspired items earned her a place in the Guinness Book of World Records.
-Beer Mugs – In Germany, Heinrich Kath is the collector of over 20,000 beer mugs does not drink beer
-Cigarette Boxes – A man named Wang Guohua in China has a collection of more than 30,000 cigarette boxes from more than 10 countries.
-Movie Cameras – Dimitris Pistiolas of Athens, Greece has more 930 vintage movie cameras and projectors.
For me, it is all about my book collection. I own over 3000 books. To say that I love to read is a MAJOR understatement. Saying that I love to collect books is always a MAJOR understatement. It is my favorite hobby and the easiest and fastest way for me to calm down and let go of a bad day. I love that even after reading just one paragraph, I am completely transported to another time and place. I love my book collection so much that I even have extra insurance on them. I rent, so I am required to have a specific amount of renter’s insurance for my apartment. I get extra insurance on top of that to specifically cover certain items – my books being part of that extra coverage. In the event of flood, fire, or whatever r andom accident may occur, I want to make sure that I will have the financial means necessary to replace all of those books. I keep a very detailed list, so I know what titles I would need to rebuild my personal library. Have you put the same time into protecting your own personal collection as you have building it?
Books may not be your collected item of choice, but I am sure something else is. In any case, be sure you have the right policy for the right items and people in your life.