I love mornings. Almost everyone in my life tries to do everything they can to avoid waking early the morning. For me, if the sun is up, I am up. I LOVE it!
One of the only other weekly events that gets as bad of a rap as mornings are Mondays. I will never underst and why poor Monday always has to be picked on and bullied – especially when Monday isn’t anywhere the start of the work week for everyone anymore. In an effort to help show Mornings and Monday some love, I wanted to share the highlights of an article I came across called, 5 Ways Successful People Tackle Monday Morning by William V anderbloemen (see link below for complete article).
While measuring success can be subjective, we all want to be successful in some shape or form. We want a successful insurance business, while perhaps you want to be successful at making pizza. It doesn’t matter – we all want it.
Here are some ways to kick start your day right into success mode:
Sleep, but do not snooze – there is no possible way to catch-up on lost sleep so it is important to get the best sleep you can when possible. Sunday night might be your most important night to sleep, so stop running yourself down to fumes and gets some rest. However, when Monday morning rolls around, DO NOT HIT SNOOZE! It tells your body that the wake-up was a joke and those few extra minutes cause more harm than good. Get up the first time and you will be more productive.
Get your body moving – yes, this means getting physical and exercise. This will help motivate you, improve performance, and keep you from falling into a slump – thus more productive and successful!
Don’t start work until you get to work – meaning stay away from work email! At the beginning of the week, you set your mental state and if you maintain focus on projects and devote brain power where it is needed, you will avoid the distractive power of email overload.
Avoid big decisions – don’t suddenly quit a job, project, workout, etc.…or make a huge decision on a Monday. That is not a healthy way to start the week. Wait for Tuesday.
Only schedule tangible result work – Monday should be a day of serious results to start the day and the week off on a successful and productive path. Making a list of attainable goals and project and checking them all off will help motivate your workflow the remainder of the week.
Do you want to be successful? How about giving mornings and Monday ( and the combination of the two) are better try!
http://www.forbes.com/sites/williamv anderbloemen/2016/03/13/5-ways-successful-people-tackle-monday-morning/#543b7b887433