Think Before You Act

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Think Before You Act

I watched a report on television tonight about drugs and alcohol abuse. It wasn’t just one of those statistical reports that spouted off mindless numbers and socioeconomic causes. The show interviewed numerous different people:

Current addicts
Former addicts
People currently in rehab centers
People in hospitals due to permanent damage from substance abuse
People in jail due to killing someone because of substance abuse
Friends, family, and loved ones affected by users/abusers

I have experienced people I love go down the road of addiction. Sometimes an intervention worked and other times it didn’t. This show reminded me of that. It was painful and sad to watch, but also a major eye opener. Addiction or abuse of drugs and alcohol aren’t the only issues that plague the health and wellbeing of those closest to us. A loved one that you knew at one time could have been perfectly healthy and on the right track and the next thing you know, they have made a sudden decision that altered their life forever. While abusing drugs and alcohol is no joke, this sudden shift from the right track to the wrong one can be the unfortunate case in some many other aspects in life. It only takes one small movement or ripple to cause a massive wave in our own lives and in the lives of those around us. Sometimes we fail to look at the big picture and don’t truly underst and cause and effect.

Take a minute to reevaluate the decisions you think you are going to make today or don’t be so quick to leap before looking. Your life is so much more important than that – and so much more important to those that love you than you can ever imagine.
