Gobble, Gobble

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Gobble, Gobble


Here comes Thanksgiving!

In a few days we will all be sitting down with our favorite people (hopefully they rank among our favorites)  and eat all the delicious food.  However, there are the dangers of Thanksgiving that one must be aware of (cue ominous music). For example, the classic, “Who poisoned the sweet potatoes and marshmallows?” Or, or… you know, you could accidentally get a turkey leg stuck in your throat and choke. People have been known to display extremely gluttonous behavior on this wonderfully hazardous day!


A tribe of angry Native Americans could charge into your family gathering, wielding spears packed with the wrath of centuries worth of being misunderstood and segregated, then having a holiday created in their name depicting what really happened as something worth celebrating.

We are just kidding – we hope! We just wanted to give you a laugh and a smile, but also wanted to express the importance of the various types of insurance you need to protect you during the holidays – and on all days!  Happy Thanksgiving everyone!