Protect Your Fur Baby

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Protect Your Fur Baby

In my opinion, I currently have one of the coolest pets around!  I have always owned dogs and my last four dogs were all pugs.  I loved ALL of them, but my current pug, Roosevelt, is a mix of all those prior to him and is my favorite.  I got him when he was 12 weeks old and he immediately stole my heart.  He smiles, talks to me, knows how to react based upon how I am feeling and how he senses my emotions.  He is fun to snuggle with and just as much fun to take out in public.  Everywhere I go, people absolutely fall in love with him. His personality is unlike any other dog I have owned or like any other pug that I know.  I absolutely adore him and his is definitely part of the family.

Chances are, you have a pet (AKA fur baby) that you own and loves as well.  They steal our hearts and quickly become members of the family.  You do all that you can to support and protect your family.  Auto, Health, Life – all the different insurance policies you pat for each month in order to protect those you love.  So what about your pet?  Shouldn’t they have the same protection as well?

It might sound silly at first, but having pet insurance can save you a lot of stress and definitely a lot of money.  I have had two major medical emergencies with my dog and don’t know what I would do without pet insurance.  Perhaps now is a good time for you to get you Fur Baby insured as well.
