Add to the Budget

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Add to the Budget

Do you live beyond your means? Do live paycheck to paycheck? Is it a struggle to pay your bills?

I am not asking if you make enough money, I am wondering if the money that you are making is being allotted to the appropriate items. Yes, I underst and that there are a ton of people out there that struggle so badly and don’t make enough money to just scrap by. However, there is also a ton of other people that make a decent amount of money, but fail to properly budget and don’t stay on track with their financial responsibilities. I remember walking down the hallway of a college once and hearing a girl scream at her parents over the phone, dem anding that they give her money and help her with her bills. Meanwhile, she had a venti espresso in her h and and top-of-the-line purse, shoes, and sunglasses. It was SO irritating. Clearly, she was living beyond her means and wasn’t budgeting!

It is important to be financially responsible. It is important to create a budget and live within your means. It is also very important to make sure that within that budget, you add the monthly payment for your insurance policies. Yes, as in multiple policies- car, home, health, auto, life, etc…It is extremely import those items are added to your budget and that you don’t miss payments. They are your life lines in more ways than one. Don’t stress – we can help you fit all policies into your budget and make sure you are properly covered.

Gotta Budget!
Gotta Budget!