What it is Like Living With HIV

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What it is Like Living With HIV

When I tell people I’m HIV positive, people seem to think my life is completely out of whack and I must live in a super sterol hospital room, afraid to go outside and become sick. They also assume that I have to take a few hundred pills a day and must just sit around in a hospital gown as well. However, while I do take a few pills in the morning and before meals, my life really is not all that different from anyone else. In fact, I might go out on a limb to actually say my life is better.

When I wake up, I get out of bed, shower and get dressed just like everyone else. I drive to work just like everyone else and I have my own life insurance policy, just like anyone else might want to do. However, having HIV has allowed me to take stock in my life and look at what is important. I don’t spend full days just sitting on the couch any longer. Instead, I get outside, ride a bike, hang out with my friends or just do little things that most people take for granted, but I know is important, because life and the people you live it with are the most important people in the entire world.