Discounts Everywhere


Discounts Everywhere

Do you like discounts?  I know I do!  In fact, I don’t now anyone that doesn’t like to save money!  There are numerous factors that can determine the type of discounts you are eligible to receive on your car insurance.  Your gender, age, location, and driving record are the most common discounts that most of us either know about, hear about, and/or currently receive.  However, the majority of us out there have no idea how many other discounts are available – and if we don’t know about them, then we can’t ask about them, and then we can’t receive them!

You can potentially get discounts for – age, gender, location, driving record, driving training courses, multiple vehicles, policy bundling, being a good student, maintaining low mileage, having a low-risk profession, having a public service career, holding a degree in a specifc occupation, have memberships to  auto clubs, credit unions, alumni organizations ( and more), bing in the military, being a federal employee, paying your policy in full – and SO MUCH MORE.

That is nowhere near an all encompassing list of potential discounts.  Speak to your insurance agent as soon as possible and see how much money you could be saving with all these “hidden” discounts!


Trick-or-Treat Safety

Halloween will be here in three days. I remember when I was younger, I would count down the days until I would be able to show-off my costume at school and then spend the evening filling a pillowcase with c andy from the house around my neighborhood. While Halloween doesn’t seem to be the same huge event as it was during my day, there are still tons of families that celebrate and take their children trick-or-treating. Now, more than ever, it is important to plan ahead and keep you children safe and always have a chaperone.

You can protect your children and allow them to have fun by starting with a safe costume that fits. Make sure it has some sort of reflective capabilities so it can be seen a night – especially by drivers. You always want to opt for face paint over a mask and make sure your child can see clearly. For extra safety, have everyone carry a flashlight.

While walking the neighborhoods, always cross in the appropriate areas and look both ways – multiple times. Make sure kids stay on the sidewalks or walking paths and consider putting a temporary ban on all electronic devices to keep eyes and heads up and alert.

If you opt to drive through the neighborhood, stay off your phone and watch the road. Children can be unpredictable and dart into the street at any time. Go slow and use hazards if needed. Drive on the correct side of the road and avoid blocking any entrances or exits.

It is VERY possible to be safe and have a great time!


Getting the Best Deal on Auto Insurance

Shop around and do it yearly. Don’t just keep paying the invoice over and over without comparison shopping. Below are a few suggestions to help you get the best deal available on your automobile insurance policy.

Insurance agents really have a lot of leeway. They can price match and they can offer many discounts. There are also many decisions you can make about your policy that will save you a bundle. For example, if you change your deductible on your collision from a $50 deductible to a $1000 deductible, you’re inline for a huge premium savings. If you don’t think you could come up with $1000 out of pocket, then change it to a $500 deductible; you’ll still save a sizable amount on your annual premium payment.

You can also get more of a savings if you change your comprehensive deductible. Many people needlessly carry full coverage on their older vehicle. They originally purchased the vehicle new, paid for full coverage and to this day, continue to pay the same high rate. Their ten year old vehicle may be worth $1000 or less, yet they continue to pay $250-$450 every six months (total $500 to $900 dollars a year) to keep full coverage on their old vehicle.

However, if they have an accident and totaled their vehicle, the insurance company will only pay them the wholesale value of the vehicle. The amount they would receive could be $1000 or less. A vehicle that old just needs the insurance that protects the other person in case of an accident.

Another method to save more on your insurance is by combining your vehicles and other insurance together to get you additional savings. All insurance companies offer a multi-car discount (if yours doesn’t, it’s time to switch companies). Further, many will discount more if you have your homeowners or renters policy with them.

There are a few other discounts that you may not be taking advantage of. It seems obvious, but make sure you are getting the correct rate for your age. There are discounts for various ages than can save you lots of money. Check with your agent on this one. Also alarm systems on your vehicle are usually good for a discount. Additionally, anti-lock brakes and air bags can also help lower your premiums.

Don’t just keep paying the invoice when it comes in. Your insurance bill should be an automatic trigger for you to make a few phone calls to see if you can save even more money on your auto insurance premiums.

Get Cheap Car Insurance – Make Getting Quotes Really Easy

When it comes to getting cheap insurance rates, one of the most important tools you have is information. You need to be knowledgeable about the steps you can take to help ensure that you are eligible for the lowest cheap car insurance rates possible. In addition, you need to know how to locate the companies that offer cheap car insurance and compare available rates.

Everybody wants cheap car insurance, but, alas, the rates are up to the insurer. There are many variables that insurers use in determining your rate, some of which you have influence over and some that you don’t. Age, for example, is one cheap car insurance factor that you’ll just have to wait out. However, young or old, you can do things to make you more eligible for the better cheap car insurance rates.

Naturally, the most obvious is to be careful in your driving, avoiding accidents and traffic tickets. Perhaps not so obvious is to avoid making insurance claims if possible. Sometimes, it is cheaper to just pay for less expensive damage than it is to make a claim, when you factor in how that claim will affect your insurance rates in the future.

Other ways to make yourself more likely to receive cheap car insurance rates include use of devices that help to prevent vehicle theft and to recover it if it is stolen, where you live, as areas with a higher crime rate often result in slightly higher rate quotes, and your choice of car. A more conservative vehicle is more likely to have cheap car insurance than is a sports car.

Also important to getting cheap car insurance is knowing where to look. With the advent of the Internet, you have the opportunity to get quotes and compare prices all over the nation. Using that opportunity can greatly increase your chances of finding the cheap car insurance rates you want.

Information is a valuable tool in getting cheap car insurance. The successful consumer knows where to find cheap car insurance and know what variables can affect rates, adjusting what can be fixed and waiting out the rest. Collecting the right information and acting upon it can help you, too, to enjoy cheap car insurance.

Georgia Car Insurance Quote – What Is A Good Deal?

Some Georgia statistics

The average auto insurance expenditure for 2003 was $758.69 per year. When compared to the rest of the United States this is very affordable. Georgia ranks right in the middle as number 25 in the contest for the most expensive car insurance. The number one position belongs to New Jersey with average expenditures of almost $1,200 per year. In cities like Detroit and New York the averages are much higher and range from $3,000 to $5,000.

Although Georgia is considered affordable there are still many ways to decrease your monthly auto insurance bill.

As any business insurance companies have costs and can only budge so much on what kind of price they can offer. 65% of the premium that you pay goes straight to claim payouts. This leaves only 35% for overhead and profit. Overhead and taxes account for 25% of your premium which leaves 10% profit. (2004 Insurance Information Institute) 10% profit however leaves plenty of room for an individual to compare quotes and shop around for a good deal and find it.

How to pay only for what you need

First and foremost do not insure yourself for damages that you can afford to pay. Insurance is wisely used only to cover damages that cannot be paid for out of your own pocket. For instance compare what higher deductibles would save you compared paying one in the case of an accident. Think about what your driving record has been like in the past three years and make a good guess as to what your record will be like in the future three years. Is it likely to change?

Gap Car Insurance: Do You Need It?

What is gap car insurance and how do you know whether you really need it? Gap car insurance, like many other types of insurance isn’t necessarily required. That is to say that you can certainly purchase a new car without gap car insurance; however, you could be leaving yourself open for some losses if you don’t purchase it. Read on for more tips to better underst and whether you need gap car insurance or you can skip it.

Gap car insurance covers the difference between the market value of your car and your loan amount. Aren’t the two the same, you might ask. Not necessarily. You see, the moment you drive your car off the lot it depreciates, or loses value, immediately and quite significantly. Let’s say you purchase a new car and pay $25,000 for it. On average a car will depreciate at least 20% right after it leaves the dealership. That means your br and new car is now worth only $20,000. What happens if you have an accident soon after the purchase? Even if you have full insurance coverage, including comprehensive and collision, your insurance policy will still only cover the market value of the car. Unfortunately, even though the market value and insurance policy are now worth only $20,000 you still owe in the neighborhood of $25,000 for the car. Without gap car insurance you’ll be stuck covering that additional $5,000 on your own.

Be aware that not all gap car insurance policies are the same and this is important. For example, some gap car insurance policies will cover losses due to theft and accidents but not all so be sure to ask questions regarding specifically what is covered in the policy before you take it.

Usually, gap car insurance is a good idea if you are about to purchase a new car and are concerned that you wouldn’t be able to cover the difference between the market value and the amount that would be cover by the C&C policy. Be aware that gap insurance is not available for older vehicles in most cases.

While you’re certainly not required to take out gap car insurance by your lender or the dealer, it can help you to rest easier in knowing you won’t be stuck owing thous ands of dollars on a totaled car in the event that you suffer an accident or theft shortly after the purchase.

It is also important to underst and that if you finance your car through the dealership you can usually take out gap car insurance at the time of the purchase; however, you’ll probably end up paying more for the policy than if you simply took it out with your regular auto insurance agent.

Before taking out gap car insurance, always be sure to check your existing policy to find out whether gap insurance might already be contained within that policy. You never know, it might not necessary to purchase an additional policy at all. If it’s not included, give some thought to whether the price of the gap insurance would be worth the trade-off of not having to worry if you have an accident and can’t afford to pay the difference between market value and coverage amount with a regular policy.

Discount Car Insurance – Saving Money On Car Insurance Is Easy

Car insurance is one part of our family budget that we will always have to deal with and so it behooves us to get better informed. We would all love to buy some form of discount car insurance. The reality of that already exists. There are more discounts in car insurance than ever before. Some of the newer vehicles have so many of them that they are often cheaper to insure than some of the older vehicles. Let’s review some of the discounts available when purchasing car insurance.

Multiple Policy Discount – This one is common and yet there are many people that do not take advantage of this discount. This discount can be as high as 15% with some companies.

Good Driver Discounts – Insurance companies love to reward the driver that has an excellent driving record. These are profitable policyholders and help bring the over all rates down.

Auto Safety Features Discount – Automobiles with airbags and seatbelts receive lower rates. Anti-lock brakes and anti-theft devices also lower car insurance rates. The vehicle identification number will identify all of these features and so it is important to give that number to whoever is quoting your car insurance.

Young Driver Discounts – Many companies give substantial discounts for high school and college students that have a 3.0 grade point average or better. The drivers training discount has been a st andard discount for young drivers. Find a company that has both and you will help lower premium dramatically.

Senior Citizens Discounts – Drivers 55 and older are given retirement discounts if no longer employed. Homemakers can qualify automatically at age 55 with some companies. Mature driver discounts are also available when a driving course is completed.

Lower Tort Option – There are some states that have a lower or limited tort option. This is your ability to sue for pain and suffering. The lower tort option limits your ability to sue but at the same time it can save you 20% or more in your premium. Contact your agent or insurance company about the tort laws in your state.

Choosing The Right Homeowner’s Insurance

As a homeowner, you are required by law to carry homeowner’s insurance. Unfortunately, many people do not carry the right homeowner’s insurance or the correct coverage amount. When buying a new home, most people are anxious to get the buying process over with to quickly, get settled in. Because of this, sometimes only minimum insurance is purchased, just enough to cover the minimum requirement. However, this coverage amount is never modified so when disaster strikes, the homeowner quickly discovers the coverage was not enough.

The most important thing you can do for you, your family, and your property when buying a home is to conduct in-depth research, and then work with a qualified insurance representative to ensure you never find yourself in this type of disastrous situation. Start by working with a reputable company. Remember, the size of the company is not what matters. Instead, you want a company that underst ands homeowner’s insurance and one that can guide you to the right type and amount of coverage.

If you know someone that is happy with their homeowner’s insurance, you might set up a meeting with that company to see if they can help with your needs. Otherwise, check the local Better Business Bureau, asking for and checking referrals. In addition, make sure the company is financially stable, one that guarantees its services, and a company that offers outst anding customer service to efficiently h andle any questions or claims.

The right representative will help you locate and maintain appropriate insurance. However, for the company or agent to underst and the insurance industry as well as your specific needs, proper training, knowledge, responsiveness, patience, and service are m andatory. As mentioned, availability is another important factor when choosing an insurance representative. When a crisis strikes, being able to get in touch with the representative in a timely manner helps resolve the issue while building a relationship of trust and confidence in the representative’s abilities.

Then, your homeowner’s insurance should be affordable. Obviously, you want to purchase the requirement but also the amount of insurance that would ensure coverage of your home and personal belongings in case of disaster. A good insurance representative would work with you to ensure that you are not paying for something you do not need while also making sure you have coverage where you do need it. The process of choosing the right insurance coverage is an important one so look for a company or agent with whom you can freely discuss your needs.

Just keep in mind that you will find a number of different insurance packages sold each providing different focus. When you shop around for the ideal policy, you want to make sure your policy covers fire, windstorm, tornados, hail, smoke damage, v andalism, and any other damage to your belongings or home. Additionally, if you live in a flood or earthquake zone, while coverage may not be a part of the st andard policy, it might be something you can add on, providing additional protection for your home.

Cheap Car Insurance For Students – Is There Such A Thing?

Cheap car insurance is out there

My college days were laced with phone calls from the motor vehicle department reminding me of my many speeding tickets and moving violations. Although they never revoked my license I don’t think a driving record can get much worse without losing your license altogether. A driving record like that along with being younger than 25 years of age and you are looking at some very expensive insurance rates. At one time I had fifteen tickets on my record. Cheap car insurance was not the question. Getting at all was the issue. Many companies would not even insure me. Those that did would not touch me for less than $600 per month. To make a long story short I did end up with insurance that was affordable. Even with tickets from my state and 3 surrounding states.

What to watch out for

Before running out and getting quotes from all over the internet there are some things to know. I was able to find insurance for about $136 per month while having that driving record. I also forgot to say that I had one accident claim on record also. I was able to find very affordable insurance. The difference is the coverage. I did have to give some things up. Many companies are very different in what they offer. It could range from free vehicle towing to very high deductibles. Be sure to compare not only the quoted rate but the coverage also. And remember, in three years most states will clear your driving record and when you hit the age of 25 your rates improve dramatically.

Please see our recommended source for all insurance quotes. We have done the research so you don’t have to. connects you to multiple brokers so you can find the cheapest insurance rates.

Cheap Car Insurance Company – A Little Help To Make Your Rates A Little Cheaper

Is there really such a thing as a cheap car insurance company? Cheap and car insurance don’t seem to be soul mates of compatibility. Insurance has a lot of responsibility and a lot of expense. I’m not sure that cheap can ever happen unless the whole world stopped having accidents. Reasonably priced might be your best alternative description when looking for low cost car insurance. A lot of people consider car insurance a necessary evil until they have to use it and then the attitude begins to change. Insurance is one of the most humanitarian legal agreements you will ever purchase. We are really all collectively covering each others assets. That is the purpose of insurance. It is society protecting itself from itself. Alright, that was our little mental health talk about insurance. How do we get the lowest rate?

Cost Savings Ideas

1. Buy Multiple Policies – Auto and Homeowner policy combinations always give you discounts. Auto and renter policies do the same.

2. Buy Higher Deductibles – low deductibles are a thing of the past. High deductible insurance is now known as self-insuring. Higher deductibles of $500 or more make a lot of sense because the savings year in and year out will save the insured thous ands of dollars over the lifetime of the policy.

3. Take limited Tort – If you are in a state that has tort options then you can discount your overall policy 20% or more by choosing limited tort. The tort option is your right to sue for pain and suffering. This is additional money awarded you for the inconvenience of the accident. You may have lost three months work. The suffering and time spent on rehabilitation are what this option is all about. Limited Tort allows you to sue for a limited amount of injury and suffering. These limits are state specific. Contact your agent or insurance company for definition of full tort and limited tort.

4. Non-Stacked Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Coverage – Stacked coverage will add up. Every car that you own is multiplied by the base limit. Buy non-stacked and save money. Make sure that your base amount is adequate.