HIV is one of those things that as soon as you say it, people already have a stigma against you. It’s kind of like when you were five years old and you said the girl across the room had cooties. People just want to stay away from you, and while they don’t come right out and say it, you can simply see it in their eyes that they don’t want to catch it and almost believe that it can jump from my body to theirs. it has been a bit of a process, but now I am doing more with my life than I ever have before. I am also protecting my family by taking advantage of a life insurance policy.
This is something I would recommend anyone who has received word of an HIV diagnosis. While modern medicine has made it that much more possible to live a healthy life, you truly do not know what life might bring, which is true for anyone. And nobody really wants their family to be forced to front cash for their final expenses or fall into debt. I know my expenses are likely going to be expensive, which is why I want to protect everyone in my family with the life insurance. It just is the right thing to do for them.