HIV Isn’t a Death Sentence

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HIV Isn’t a Death Sentence

Growing up, I always thought that HIV really meant a death sentence. Essentially, unless the person’s name was Ervin "Magic" Johnson, everyone else seemed to die after only a few years. However, after my Earth shattering diagnosis, I discovered this really was not the case. In fact, I have now been living with HIV for the last four years now, and unless I came right out and told you that I have HIV, you would not suspect me being any different at all. That is because treatment for HIV has drastically changed in the past 15 years and it is no longer necessary to be a millionaire (such as Magic Johnson) to live a long and healthy life.

I now do more with my family than I ever have in previous times in my life. I have two daughters and a wife who I love dearly. I contracted HIV by sharing a needle with someone who had HIV, and while I thought that this might have been the end of my life, it really is now just the beginning. The time I have spent with my family is something I would not change for the world, and while I do have to do things differently than what someone who does not have HIV might do, I can protect my family with life insurance just the same.