Los Angeles area cult?

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Los Angeles area cult?

According to ABC News, and I quote –
Authorities say five adults and eight children from a “cult-like” group from the Palmdale area have been reported missing by their families.

Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department officials said the group disappeared Saturday and left behind evidence that they were awaiting the rapture or some catastrophic event.

“They left behind a significant amount of personal belonging and written notes,” sheriff’s spokesman Steve Whitmore told members of the media.

Sheriff’s Cpt. Mike Parker said the husb ands of two of the missing adults from the group was asked to keep a purse, and inside it found identification, personal papers and letters suggesting the group was awaiting the end of the world.

Parker says the group’s leader, Reyna Chicas of Palmdale, is among the missing.

“It is an offshoot of a religious group, but not affiliated with anybody,” Whitmore said. “It’s a group of religious beliefs in and of itself.”

Whitmore said it does not look like they’re planning a trip.

The children, six boys and two girls, rage in age from 3 to 17.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.