It seems like almost every day there is another celebrity revealing an update in their look. Sometimes this update involves a little nip and tuck. Whether you care for the celebrity or not, it is hard not to have an opinion when you see the changes and updates. Sometimes opinions turn into ridicule which can turn into extreme bullying. That’s unfortunate. However, in my opinion – if you are going to be in the public eye then you have to be prepared for harsh criticism when you change the structure of your face.
This leads me to think about plastic surgery. I am not against plastic surgery in any way, but like most things, it should be used carefully and in moderation. There are significant risks associated with plastic surgery – all of which should be research prior to going through any procedure. If you are considering plastic surgery, please make sure you sign-up for a life insurance policy or update your current one. We can’t control the outcome of your physical changes, but we can make sure you are covered just in case the unthinkable happens.