Stop Seeking Clarity – It’s Right Here


Stop Seeking Clarity – It’s Right Here


Simply defined, it is:

  1. a :  the business of insuring persons or property
  2. b :  coverage by contract whereby one party undertakes to indemnify or guarantee another against loss by a specified contingency or peril
  3. c :  the sum for which something is insured
  4. 2 :  a means of guaranteeing protection or safety <the contract is your insurance against price changes>

(Merriam-Webster, 2016)

Again, that is just the simple definition.

For some of us that is just a bill we automatically pay each month or a deduction that comes immediately out of our paychecks.  For others, it is a lifeline and security for the future.  For all of us, it is extremely important.

Sometimes it is difficult to know which policy is the right policy.

Do you have what seems like endless questions regarding insurance coverage?

You are not alone.

You are not the only person to wonder about the who, what, when, where, why, and how?

Who needs insurance?  Who do I talk to about coverage?

What are the types of insurance?  What do I need to do to get insured?  What will it take to get the coverage I need?  What are the best rates?

When do I need to get life insurance?  When will my policy become active?

Where do I find a reliable insurance broker?  Where can I compare rates?  Where is my money going?

Why is insurance so important?

How much is insurance?  How do I know I will be approved?  How long before my coverage begins?

The questions seem endless and it all can be so confusing.

However, the right insurance agent already has the answers and can take the infinite list and narrow it down to just a few simple statements.  Education is the key to choosing the right policy/policies for you and your loved ones.  The types and varieties of insurance policies are almost infinite.  They include different features, coverage, and most definitely, costs.  It takes a certain amount of research – and patience – to find the right policies.  This is not something that you can go into blindly or just haphazardly sign on the dotted line without being completely educated.  The best thing to do is NOT go at it alone.  Yes, spend the time educating yourself, but also invest in partnering with an insurance agent – that you trusts and make you feel comfortable.  This partnership can last a life time and greatly decrease the amount of confusion and stress that can surround the purchasing of various insurance policies.
A competent and successful independent insurance agent can and will provide you with clarity, information, quotes, and a policy.  Please contact us today.  We have all of your insurance needs covered.

Time to find some clarity
Time to find some clarity


Home Insurance Rates

Insurance premiums are calculated according to several risk factors. These are the factors identified by the insurance company as most likely to have an impact on the insured against risk occurring. Insurance is a significant cost associated with the item insured and should not be rushed into. It is always a good idea to shop around for the best price available. Insurance premiums will vary considerably from insurer to insurer so do your homework.

Shopping Around

Look up the various insurance companies you are interested in and ask them for a quote. They can usually give you a rough estimate fairly quickly and even more exact quotes should also be possible if you provide more details and wait. You should also look up insurers online and get instant quotes from their website. This is a very fast and effective way of shopping around. You will get a good idea of what prices to expect. You can also experiment with the quotation websites to see what effect it makes to your premium price if you select different options. With all insurance policies you will have a number of options that affect the price of the policy. Therefore you should think about these options and if there are risks that you do not wish to cover then let the insurer know as your premium should become cheaper.

Doubling Up

You should also try to make sure you do not double insure. It is a principle of insurance that you cannot benefit from the insured event’s occurrence. So you cannot get paid twice even if you have two insurance policies. So if a risk is already covered by one policy, again let your insurer know so they can remove it from their calculation.

Location, Location, Location

Home insurance rates depend on factors such as address. If your home is located in an are of high crime, or an area that flood often, or is prone to earthquakes, hurricanes or other significant risks, this will be reflected in the policy price. The security you have installed will also affect the premium you must pay. If you have a sophisticated security system this will obviously make your home safer and this will reduce the risk. Similarly, fire alarm systems and sprinklers can decrease your premium. In some areas, flood prevention measures may be taken into account. The size and value of your home will be another important factor, as clearly a more expensive home will cost more if it is damaged.

Many home insurance policies will require you not to leave the home unoccupied, and if you are renting out the home, this will also affect the premium.

Guide to life insurance

Life is precious to every creature (big or small) on earth. From a tiny ant to big rational agents every living being loves life and wants to protect it. For a human being the most prudent way to shield his life from all the forthcoming perils is to get life insurance. Life insurance not just guard the life of the policyholder but it is also a great help to other family members.

Life insurance pays for almost all the major misshapenness in an individual’s life. If the person is suffering from a chronic illness, it bears the medical expense. Life insurance money can be used in cases of a severe accident. After the death of the policyholder, the insurance pays for his funeral and other related ceremonies. Thus life insurance is a big financial assistance not only when a person is alive but also even after it.

However the extent to which a policy will be active or beneficial depends on the kind of life insurance policy taken by an individual. For instance, the term life insurance policy is all about protecting a person for a term before he dies. But if the individual dies during the policy term, the beneficiaries receive the benefits. Term life insurance is ideal for those who want that specific needs such college tuition; mortgage payments and car payments should be cared for at their death. This insurance is also favorable for the families who cannot afford to pay large monthly premiums. It is also good for senior citizens who know that they will kick the bucket soon. Many companies associate different terms and conditions with the term life insurance policy and so offer several types of it. The term life insurance an also be converted to any other form of insurance such as whole life insurance.

The people who seek to insure their entire life and are ready to pay big premiums throughout should go for a Whole Life insurance policy. This policy is good for young but not meant for the old. The whole life insurance has a distinguished “cash surrender value” feature. The cash value (composed of cash value and dividends) keeps on incrementing annually according to a specific schedule in your whole life insurance policy. Many whole life policies reward the policyholders with dividends that can augment the entire cash value.

Besides these kinds of life insurance policies are also health insurance policies. These policies are devised for those suffering with chronic illnesses particularly cancer. Such policies are difficult to acquire (for very few agencies offer them) and are usually offered at high premiums. The health insurance may pay for some of the patient’s treatments but it does not pay for everything.

Prior to purchasing a life insurance policy, a person should make a prudent assessment of his current situation and needs. Accordingly he should look up Internet, consult friends and relatives to find either a reliable insurance company or an agent. Choosing from where (insurance company and agent) and what kind of policy to adopt is a challenging task that requires lot of consideration and discussion.

Flood Insurance

There are many risks that people are accustomed to insuring against. These will include, health insurance, auto insurance and fire insurance. There are others that are less familiar, such as dental and flood insurance but there are many reasons why you should reassess the insurances you currently have in place and perhaps consider relocating them to cover the risks that you are most afraid of experiencing.

For example, did you know that losses due to floods are thirty times more likely to occur than fire losses? This is especially true if your home is located in a flood prone zone. While flood loss is generally less devastating than fire loss, if your home is located in a flood prone zone, the chance of even experiencing catastrophic damage is still 25% greater from flood than from fire.

Flood loss

Most basic home insurance policies do not automatically include flood loss as st andard. Commercial property policies are the same, with flood loss only being covered if it is specifically mentioned in the policy. If the flood is extremely severe, it may be classified as a disaster site by the federal government. This will cause some protection to be made available in the form of loans. These loans, which come through the Federal Emergency Management Assistance program, are not like insurance however, as you are required to pay back the loan that they give you, as well as any other home loans you already have. They will also require you to carry flood insurance in the future. The other thing about the Federal Emergency Management Assistance program is that it only kicks in if your area and flood are declared a federal disaster site. This can be fairly rare when compared to the amount of floods that are experienced annually.

Flood insurance will be offered by various insurance companies but should be backed by the National Flood Insurance Program. This type of coverage, which is supported and regulated by the federal government, is the only type of flood insurance that will fully protect your home and contents from rising water flood insurance.

Shop Around

If you are considering taking out a policy of this kind, shop around for the best rate and find out what is covered and what is excluded. It may be that a specific company’s exclusion is exactly the situation in which you require coverage and other companies may not have the same exclusion so you are wise to shop around. Also, all insurance companies vary in what they offer and what they charge. Do not accept the first offer or quote you receive and do not expect all companies to provide the same deals. You should always shop around when it comes to insurance and find yourself the best deal available.

Car Insurance – How Did They Calculate That?

Insurance premiums are calculated according to several risk factors. These are the factors identified by the insurance company as most likely to have an impact on the insured against risk occurring. Insurance is a significant cost associated with the item insured and should not be rushed into. It is always a good idea to shop around for the best price available. Insurance premiums will vary considerably from insurer to insurer so do your homework.

Shop Around

Look up the various insurance companies you are interested in and ask them for a quote. They can usually give you a rough estimate fairly quickly and even more exact quotes should also be possible if you provide more details and wait. You should also look up insurers online and get instant quotes from their website. This is a very fast and effective way of shopping around. You will get a good idea of what prices to expect. You can also experiment with the quotation websites to see what effect it makes to your premium price if you select different options. With all insurance policies you will have a number of options that affect the price of the policy.

Therefore you should think about these options and if there are risks that you do not wish to cover then let the insurer know as your premium should become cheaper.

You should also try to make sure you do not double insure. It is a principle of insurance that you cannot benefit from the insured event’s occurrence. So you cannot get paid twice even if you have two insurance policies. So if a risk is already covered by one policy, again let your insurer know so they can remove it from their calculation.


Car insurance premiums usually depend on factors such as what kind of car you are driving, how old it is, how big the engine is, what make and model it is? What type of insurance you require also plays a part, do you need only liability, or also comprehensive? What use you will make of the car, for example will you commute to work and how many miles do you plan on driving?

Your driving history will be a strong factor in determining your risk, and linked to this will be the age of the driver, with younger drivers being significantly more at risk of being involved in an accident. If you are young, your sex will also be an important risk factor, however if you are older sex usually becomes less significant.