Discounts Everywhere


Discounts Everywhere

Do you like discounts?  I know I do!  In fact, I don’t now anyone that doesn’t like to save money!  There are numerous factors that can determine the type of discounts you are eligible to receive on your car insurance.  Your gender, age, location, and driving record are the most common discounts that most of us either know about, hear about, and/or currently receive.  However, the majority of us out there have no idea how many other discounts are available – and if we don’t know about them, then we can’t ask about them, and then we can’t receive them!

You can potentially get discounts for – age, gender, location, driving record, driving training courses, multiple vehicles, policy bundling, being a good student, maintaining low mileage, having a low-risk profession, having a public service career, holding a degree in a specifc occupation, have memberships to  auto clubs, credit unions, alumni organizations ( and more), bing in the military, being a federal employee, paying your policy in full – and SO MUCH MORE.

That is nowhere near an all encompassing list of potential discounts.  Speak to your insurance agent as soon as possible and see how much money you could be saving with all these “hidden” discounts!


Guide to life insurance

Life is precious to every creature (big or small) on earth. From a tiny ant to big rational agents every living being loves life and wants to protect it. For a human being the most prudent way to shield his life from all the forthcoming perils is to get life insurance. Life insurance not just guard the life of the policyholder but it is also a great help to other family members.

Life insurance pays for almost all the major misshapenness in an individual’s life. If the person is suffering from a chronic illness, it bears the medical expense. Life insurance money can be used in cases of a severe accident. After the death of the policyholder, the insurance pays for his funeral and other related ceremonies. Thus life insurance is a big financial assistance not only when a person is alive but also even after it.

However the extent to which a policy will be active or beneficial depends on the kind of life insurance policy taken by an individual. For instance, the term life insurance policy is all about protecting a person for a term before he dies. But if the individual dies during the policy term, the beneficiaries receive the benefits. Term life insurance is ideal for those who want that specific needs such college tuition; mortgage payments and car payments should be cared for at their death. This insurance is also favorable for the families who cannot afford to pay large monthly premiums. It is also good for senior citizens who know that they will kick the bucket soon. Many companies associate different terms and conditions with the term life insurance policy and so offer several types of it. The term life insurance an also be converted to any other form of insurance such as whole life insurance.

The people who seek to insure their entire life and are ready to pay big premiums throughout should go for a Whole Life insurance policy. This policy is good for young but not meant for the old. The whole life insurance has a distinguished “cash surrender value” feature. The cash value (composed of cash value and dividends) keeps on incrementing annually according to a specific schedule in your whole life insurance policy. Many whole life policies reward the policyholders with dividends that can augment the entire cash value.

Besides these kinds of life insurance policies are also health insurance policies. These policies are devised for those suffering with chronic illnesses particularly cancer. Such policies are difficult to acquire (for very few agencies offer them) and are usually offered at high premiums. The health insurance may pay for some of the patient’s treatments but it does not pay for everything.

Prior to purchasing a life insurance policy, a person should make a prudent assessment of his current situation and needs. Accordingly he should look up Internet, consult friends and relatives to find either a reliable insurance company or an agent. Choosing from where (insurance company and agent) and what kind of policy to adopt is a challenging task that requires lot of consideration and discussion.

Car insurance for lady drivers

Car insurance companies prefer lady drivers to their gentlemen counterparts because they are considered as much less risky drivers. It is not that the accident rates of ladies are low. They face as many accidents as males do. However, the damage caused by them is not as much in most of the cases. So, their claims after the accident are also less. That is why on an average women’s car insurance premiums tend to be 30% lower than that of the male counterparts having same demographic profile.

They drive at speeds lower than men. Hence, accidents caused by lady drivers are not serious. So, even if they might claim as often as males do yet, in all they claim less amounts, giving insurers lesser premiums. Since the male drivers drive at higher speeds so even if they crash on their own, the loss is high. In case, the accident involves two vehicles in high damage state, it becomes an insurance company’s nightmare.

A lady is regarded to be a better risk right from the age of 17. There are many premium discounts available for a young lady driver, like pass plus certificate. It is a series of extra lessons that a young lady driver learns following their test. It can gain you a discount of around 30% for the first year.

Some car insurance companies specialise in auto insurance for women drivers. Literally, these companies try to insure women drivers only. They don’t even encourage getting a lady insured with her husb and under combined policy. Because they can’t give too much discount, as they have to think about her husb and’s high risk factors as well. So, they would prefer woman with woman. It means providing less risk in total, meaning lower premiums in total. That really clicks for them.

So, the calculation is simple – the lower premiums might mean that they don’t make much profit. However, if they can get as many women as possible, then the volume of business can go high. Look out these companies if you are a woman. Lady car insurance quote includes legal cover as well. It helps you to claim back your excess from the third party in the event of a non-fault claim. You can further lower your premium by parking your car overnight in the garage, by getting extra driving license course, and maintaining a good driving record.

Insurance Savings for Law Enforcement

[youtube][/youtube]”Some jobs require more giving than getting,” the young Los Feliz police officer recites as he is depicted using his car radio and leaving the vehicle for an apparent CSE Insurance helps protect the property of civil servants — police, firefighters and teachers — whose jobs involve this sacrifice. In exchange, CSE offers law enforcement members savings of up to $500 in their premium quotation for home and car insurance.

CSE Safeguard has proudly been in business since 1949 with the motto, “We Serve the People Who Serve the People.” Members of CSE Law Enforcement association applicants can receive up to $500 in premium savings from the company. Don’t let some anonymous insurance company steal you blind. Get more information and a proposal here.

Insurance Savings for Firefighters

[youtube][/youtube]The Lincoln Heights firefighter steps down from a fire engine dressed in an emergency response uniform, hat and boots. “Some jobs require more giving than getting,” he succinctly describes his work. “CSE Safeguard Insurance serves those who serve our community.”

He removes his hat and heads toward the firehouse. “CSE is offering savings of up to $500 in home and auto insurance.”

CSE Safeguard has proudly been in business since 1949 with the motto, “We Serve the People Who Serve the People.” Members of CSE Firefighters association applicants can receive up to $500 in premium savings from the company. Don’t let your hard-earned money just burn. Get more information and a proposal here.