top of that I have celiac, which means no wheat or gluten for me. Sounds terrible, I know, but have no fear – I still manage to live a fulfilling and adventurous life while filling my belly with allergy-proof foods!
I bring up the allergy issue, because I have had some pretty close calls. The problem with having such major reactions is you usually don’t know there is an issue until the IS an issue. I have asphyxiated to the point of needed medical revival. I have swelled up to the point that I couldn’t see. I have had such bad hives and rashes that you could not see a clean piece of skin.
Unexpected death from major allergic reactions isn’t at all unheard of. It happens more often than you think. People tend to focus on the more frequent and obvious causes of death, without paying attention to something like allergies.
Take a personal inventory of the items you are allergic to. Are they simple reactions or something major? These are things to consider in regards to your life insurance. Make sure the coverage is appropriate and includes the risks associated with such allergies. Be proactive!