CSE Insurance Company helps after a car accident

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CSE Insurance Company helps after a car accident


Have an iPhone?  iPad?  iPod Touch?  Chances are you just may, and if you do you should check out the new FREE application from CSE Insurance. 

When involved in a car accident, only about a million things go through your mind.   Who was at fault, who was driving the other car, damage to yourself or your car, the other people, the other car, where you are, what time it is and on and on.  CSE knows this and is offering this great little application to help you out.   With just a few clicks you are prompted for information you should be getting including the names of driver’s involved, witnesses, photos of the cars, the location of the accident, details and observations and the like.  You can even call the Police or a tow truck right from within the application.  Some additional functions include finding a local CSE Insurance Company independent insurance agent, like Susman Insurance Agency and requesting insurance quotes and proposals.  Nice job, CSE!