A MEME is a post or picture characterizing something that is currently trending in a particular culture or social setting. They can be funny, rude, sarcastic and spot on when it comes to revealing a person or idea’s true agenda. Many people create MEME’s so that they can directly or indirectly target the object of their “affection” or animosity, depending on the situation.

People use MEMEs on social media sites as a way of making fun and ridiculing specific groups of people and industries that have aggravated them in some way. Insurance companies are often the topic of choice for many of these satirical little gems.
The fact is insurance is everywhere. It is required when we drive a car and strongly recommended for business and homeowners to prevent financial loss and hardship. The problem is that it can be so confusing and costly that many people dread even talking about it, let alone purchasing it.
MEMEs a person’s way of dealing with something they would rather avoid. Most people look forward to talking to their insurance agent about as much as they want to have a root canal or a limb amputated. Although it might be necessary, it is not always a pleasant situation. It helps when an insurance agent has the knowledge and expertise needed to explain things to their clients.
It also helps if they have a good personality and are easy to work with. This alone takes the sting out of meeting with an insurance agent and discussing the inevitable.