Why I Love Renters Insurance

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Why I Love Renters Insurance

When I first started renting, I assumed the property owner provided all the insurance to protect my area. All the property owner insures is their apartment complex against damage.

I have to ensure my personal belongings. This includes all of my electronics and kitchen appliances. This also covers my expensive shoe collection and clothing. To make a long story short, my policy covers everything I own and have in my apartment.

This is a good thing because I have come to distrust my neighbors. I do not want to come home from work some day and find many of my things stolen.

I must have liability coverage in case someone who comes to see me and is injured on the property. I have put myself at risk by renting an apartment, because of other people in my complex. I cannot trust that my apartment neighbors live safely and do not risk my possessions by doing stupid things. I bought a good renter’s insurance policy to secure my possessions and keep me safe.

After I took pictures of all my expensive possessions with the date and amount I paid, I can now rest in the fact that they will be replaced if damaged or stolen. Do not risk your property. If you rent, buy renter’s insurance. You will love your renter’s insurance as much as I love renter’s insurance.