My Dog Smokes Cigarettes


My Dog Smokes Cigarettes

My Dog Smokes Cigarettes

It’s no joke. My dog Toot smokes cigarettes. Has for years. She is up to 2 ½ packs a day, unless it is bowling night; then it’s over 3 packs a day. Even with all the warnings on the packs these days about how unhealthy it is to smoke, she is addicted. I looked into rehab programs for nicotine addiction, but the only one that accepts dogs is in Vegas and my poor Toot already has an addiction to Bingo. I can’t imagine the trouble she would get into in Vegas. So that’s not an option.

There is such a thing as life insurance for dogs; perhaps I should invest in some. The problem with that is they would probably ask if she smokes and could deny her coverage. She doesn’t really have any other health issues, except that she is quite overweight. She says working out leaves her out of breath. I told her it’s supposed to do that! She quit the gym and took up bowling. At least she’s up and moving around, but smoking at the same time. My overweight Chihuahua comes home smelling like a beer served in an ashtray. It isn’t pleasant.

A solid life insurance plan from a reputable company is a very smart investment. It helps take care of your family should anything happen to you. You can also take life insurance policies out on your children when they are young, and give them the option once the policies have matured to cash them out. A life insurance policy doesn’t have to cost you a lot, either. You can make small monthly payments and eventually it adds up to a pretty good sized policy. You can at least make it enough to pay for funeral services so that burden isn’t on your family after you’ve passed on. Consider it a gift. They will be grateful to you for doing that for them. As for cigarette smoking Chihuahuas, good luck.

How awful if dogs smoked cigarettes!
How awful if dogs smoked cigarettes!