



This mother and teenaged son’s Mercury Moment happened shortly after the young man, Colin, received his driver’s license and was allowed to drive to his golf lesson in Leimert Park. As he quickly came to realize, parking near the driving range was not a wise decision. The car, as he later states with a smirk, "got hammered." Mom was relieved to enjoy Mercury’s inexpensive teen insurance rates without a significant surcharge to cover this age group. Get more information and a quote here.

Returning From A Vegas Trip That Even Stripped the Paint Off His Truck


The character in the commercial has his "Mercury Moment" when, as he returns home to Eagle Rock after a trip to Las Vegas, he encounters what he calls "an insane dust storm." The weather-related event, which stripped the paint off his truck, was not treated as exclusion and was, in fact, covered by his comprehensive auto insurance coverage. Whether or not his trip to Vegas was successful was based on luck. The satisfactory resolution to his claim was based on adequate insurance. Find out more and get a quote here.