Health Insurance Options


Health Insurance Options

Copyright 2006 Stacey Zimmerman

Health insurance is one of the most important types of insurance available for American consumers. There are a variety of options available when choosing health insurance, however, the main purpose of health insurance is to provide the “insured” with financial coverage that will help pay for the cost of care during thee sickness. Health insurance may also cover things such as hospital beds, lab tests, medicine, surgeries, x-rays, and more. Health Insurance will pay the cost of medical expenses due to sickness, illnesses, accidents, and childbirth. Each health insurance policy is different and it is recommended to determine what types of services will be covered when choosing and comparing health insurance plans. The most common type of Health Insurance is Private Sector Health Insurance. Health Insurance varies from life insurance in a few ways. First, health insurance is purchased annually, and there is no guarantee that premium costs will not rise with each renewal policy.

Before you can qualify for medical insurance, you will more than likely need to undergo a series of routine tests. These tests will screen out any underlying conditions that may require you to need more medical services. Based upon the results of the tests, you may or may not qualify for medical insurance. Unfortunately, many today are facing life without any insurance at all. There are many plans available and many different service providers and brokers that offer a wide variety of health care coverage to qualified individuals. For those who cannot afford to pay the premium cost of health insurance, they may qualify to receive government insurance through their state. The two programs run by the United States government are Medicare and Medicaid. Some local counties may also offer free healthcare to uninsured people through programs that are either federally funded or working on grant monies.

Many people are discovering that they cannot afford the premium price of the healthcare plans that are offered by their place of employment. This does not mean that they have no options available. The first step in determining whether you can afford your company’s health care insurance is to speak with your Human Resource department and see if there is a plan that they offer that meets your needs. You also have the option of researching a number of insurance brokers and agents online. This is a great way to find a free quote and get in touch with different brokers easily. By simply filling out a small questionnaire over the Internet, you will then receive a return phone call by brokers or agents who are interested in signing you to a policy.

Finally, it is important that you choose your health insurance plan carefully. Your plan is a legal binding contract and you have many rights to medical services and covered costs once you enter into this agreement. You should know your rights and underst and the terms of your policy plan. Since most people agree that quality health insurance is the most important benefit that companies offer their employees it is necessary that you take the time to read the literature that pertains to your policy plan.

Free Insurance Quotes To Save You Money!

Whether you’re looking for insurance quotes for auto, life, travel or health you can find some great rates on the internet. Insurance quotes coverage can provide peace of mind and also financial coverage in the event that something untoward happens.

Originally health insurance in the United States took the form of a voluntary program. Such programs date from about 1850, when health insurance was provided chiefly by cooperative mutual benefit and fraternal beneficiary associations. Insurance quotes can now be obtained online from the internet.

Insurance quotes for life insurance, originally conceived to protect a man’s family when his death left them without income, has developed into a variety of policy plans. In a “whole life” policy, fixed premiums are paid throughout the insured’s lifetime; this accumulated amount, augmented by compound interest, is paid to a beneficiary in a lump sum upon the insured’s death; the benefit is paid even if the insured had terminated the policy.

When looking for individual health insurance or other insurance quotes remember that “Individual” refers to the person buying the coverage, but the individual health insurance covers your whole family. You may have to pay more for your coverage than if you were part of a large organization, however it is possible to locate bargains that actually save you money over what you would have to pay if you simply left a company and picked up the cost of your COBRA.

Many people today have opted to be self-employed which carries the added necessity of acquiring individual health insurance for them and their families. Consider it a necessary expense that will actually save you money in the long-term. Insurance quotes can now be found on the internet. Get a free insurance quote and you’ll find that you can save some money.

5 Easy Steps To Lower Your Auto Insurance Quote

It was not too long ago when contracts were made on a h andshake and a promise. Individuals were not particularly concerned with things like insurance because they relied upon the goodwill of their neighbor to compensate them for wrongful damage. For a variety of reasons, including an increase in the speed and cost of auto wrecks, auto insurance soon became an important purchase for responsible individuals. Not long after, the federal government m andated that auto insurance be carried, at least minimally, by all car owners. The increase in the need for auto insurance over the last 10 years has led to increases in the complexity of insurance, while at the same time, amplifying the need to be more cost conscious in auto insurance purchases.
Buying auto insurance today requires as much dexterity as buying the automobile itself. It is important to know the factors that an auto insurance company considers when offering quotes. This will allow you, as the consumer, to know what steps you need to take in order to qualify for a lower quote. The five easy steps to a lower insurance quote are:

1. Portray yourself as a ‘safe’ c andidate: Insurance companies are interested in managing risk. Consequently they offer drivers who are less likely to get into wrecks or at a minimum into wrecks of less severity, a lower insurance quote.
-Maintain a clean driving record, free of traffic violations or accident claims.

-Install anti-theft devices in your vehicle.

-Attend a Drivers Safety Training program.

-Buy a ‘safe’ vehicle. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety together collect information on safety related aspects of different vehicles. Buy an automobile that is officially designated as ‘safe’.

-Park your vehicle in a garage.
2. Show your Credit worthiness: As a risk management entity, insurance companies are also worried about getting paid on time. If you can show yourself to be credit worthy, there is less risk of you not making your payments on time, thus warranting a lower rate.

-Maintain a good credit score and clear up any errors on your credit.

-Cut down on the total number of outst anding credit cards to 2 or 3.
3. Practice Financial Wisdom: The way in which you structure and pay for your policy can lower the risk that an insurance company faces with respect to you as a customer. By taking steps to lower their risk, you receive a lower insurance quote and policy.
-Buy an annual policy instead of a six monthly coverage to get you a lower rate that remains the same for a year.

-Opt for automatic payment deductions from your bank account or your credit card to avoid getting charged for mail payments.

-Increase your deductibles on comprehensive and collision policies to reduce on the rates.

-Get loyalty discounts by buying your home and auto insurance from the same company.
4. Assess your Insurance Needs accurately: This is obvious, the more coverage you get the more it will cost you. Add-ons are killers in the insurance business, strip your policy down to just the minimum of what you need.
-If your vehicle is not used much or you have an old car with little market value, opt for minimum liability alone. It will cost you less.

-After fulfilling the legal m andate on auto insurance, insure according to your needs alone.
5. Other wise things that you can do: There are a number of other considerations that go into your insurance quote. Some of them are not reasonable steps to take, while others you can do with little effort which can translate into substantial savings.

-If your car is used only for a particular purpose, make your agent aware of it, as this will limit the cost.

-Students that make good grades are often eligible for a discount.

-Give up smoking; it can help you get better quotes.

-Change your occupation if you can help. A delivery boy carries a higher risk than a storekeeper.