Choosing Life Insurance


Choosing Life Insurance

Take your time in taking decisions, chalk out which one is best suited for you and your family from the policies made available by different insurance companies. Look into your age, condition of health, income, health habits, marital status, number of children and lifestyle.

You must always keep in mind that if you don’t need it, avoid it. No need to insure. Ask yourself how much your family is depending on your salary. If your family can’t do without your earning, you really need life insurance, otherwise no need to worry. It is difficult to say for how much money should you insure. Yes, it depends on your family’s lifestyle and debts. Generally, people keep it at between five and ten times of your annual salary.

It is recommended that if you’re under 40 and don’t have a family history of life threatening illness, try Term Insurance. It offers death benefit but no cash value. Otherwise, always go for the Whole Life Insurance, as it offers both death benefit and cash value. However, it is much more expensive than the former. As Term Insurance safeguards the policyholder only for a specified time period, it is appropriate for military and young families. It is cheaper than other policy types, but it has no savings feature.

It is also necessary to calculate your total insurance needs by examining the needs at various stages of your surviving family, and purchase insurance to cover the gaps. Don’t forget to review your life insurance plan periodically. You need to be alert when your financial responsibilities undergo a significant change. Be open to talk about the insurance plan with your spouse and let he/she underst and the gaps the current insurance are going to fill.

Some points are also needed to keep in mind while buying insurance. Make your check payable to the insurance company, but not to the agent. And don’t forget to get a receipt. Even if you have purchased a policy, have a think and rethink for around ten days. You can always ask for a cancellation and change for an appropriate one with full refund. In case an agent or company contacts you and wants you to cancel your current policy to buy a new one, always contact the original agent or company before making any decisions. And it is up to you whether you try for an expensive one or the cheaper one. But don’t forget to gather maximum information.

Car insurance for lady drivers

Car insurance companies prefer lady drivers to their gentlemen counterparts because they are considered as much less risky drivers. It is not that the accident rates of ladies are low. They face as many accidents as males do. However, the damage caused by them is not as much in most of the cases. So, their claims after the accident are also less. That is why on an average women’s car insurance premiums tend to be 30% lower than that of the male counterparts having same demographic profile.

They drive at speeds lower than men. Hence, accidents caused by lady drivers are not serious. So, even if they might claim as often as males do yet, in all they claim less amounts, giving insurers lesser premiums. Since the male drivers drive at higher speeds so even if they crash on their own, the loss is high. In case, the accident involves two vehicles in high damage state, it becomes an insurance company’s nightmare.

A lady is regarded to be a better risk right from the age of 17. There are many premium discounts available for a young lady driver, like pass plus certificate. It is a series of extra lessons that a young lady driver learns following their test. It can gain you a discount of around 30% for the first year.

Some car insurance companies specialise in auto insurance for women drivers. Literally, these companies try to insure women drivers only. They don’t even encourage getting a lady insured with her husb and under combined policy. Because they can’t give too much discount, as they have to think about her husb and’s high risk factors as well. So, they would prefer woman with woman. It means providing less risk in total, meaning lower premiums in total. That really clicks for them.

So, the calculation is simple – the lower premiums might mean that they don’t make much profit. However, if they can get as many women as possible, then the volume of business can go high. Look out these companies if you are a woman. Lady car insurance quote includes legal cover as well. It helps you to claim back your excess from the third party in the event of a non-fault claim. You can further lower your premium by parking your car overnight in the garage, by getting extra driving license course, and maintaining a good driving record.

All life insurance companies are the same. (not!)

If the insurance company cannot provide you with the proof you need, run as fast as you can, do not collect $200 and do not sign on the dotted line. I once had a life insurance policy that promised to earn interest yearly. It was so kind of education life insurance plan. I took this plan out, because it offered so great benefits, or so I thought. My children were barely 1 years old at the time. The maturity term to cash out was in five years. About 3 months before the cash out date, havoc broke loose, the company folded, and everyone lost their money.

The agent apparently had a scheme of his own going on, lucky dog. It is things like this you have to watch out for. Obviously, I wasn’t looking very hard. When I think about all the Similac and Enfamil milk I could I brought with that wasted money, I can kick myself, very hard.

That is one of life’s lessons, not knowing who to trust. Life insurance is good to have, if you find the right company to purchase it from. Who wants to spend 20 or 30 years paying on a life insurance policy only to be told, “You never qualified for our terms.” These are fighting words!

This is when the insurance company needs to call in the Calvary, because somebody is get a serious “beat down”. There are three things people don’t like to share or lose; especially, a woman. It’s their man, food and their money, but not exactly in that order.