Finding cheap online auto insurance


Finding cheap online auto insurance

Automobile car insurance is something that we all need and should comm and careful consideration. When in the market for auto insurance coverage, and with so many car insurance companies to choose from, it can be a bit confusing when trying to decide on the best and most affordable coverage for your vehicle. With the convenience of the internet, finding all the information required to get the best deals and rates can easily be accomplished online.

Finding a reputable auto car insurance company is a job within itself, and like buying a home, it is imperative you clearly underst and what you are getting. When in search of cheaper car insurance rates you should take into account all the factors that can affect your car insurance premiums. So before you sign on the dotted line, read the fine print of Automobile Insurance Policy to insure you are getting the necessary coverage to protect yourself. It happens time and time again, when the car owner gets into an accident or fender bender, the coverage they thought they were paying for is not part of their policy which can lead to out-of-pocket expenses.

Get several car insurance quotes

Some key factors when shopping for cheap car insurance is to first make sure you get at least three or four quotes since the price you pay for your car insurance can vary by hundreds of dollars. Finding cheaper insurance rates depends on your previous driving records, to include any type of infraction such as speeding, seat belt and auto accidents. Age, gender and the type of car you are seeking auto insurance coverage on including the age of the vehicle, will clearly be critical factors in determining your annual car premiums.

It is equally important to find a car insurance company that can answer any questions you may have and how quickly they h andle claims fairly and efficiently. Once you decide on a quote you are satisfied with, before agreeing to anything check with your state insurance department about the company’s history. Finding out the financial well-being of an insurable institution and the number ratio of consumer complaints, could avoid headaches or any future regrets.

Learn the facts about car insurance

Some other ways of saving money is to ask your insurance broker or agent for a higher deductible. The deductive is the amount of money you pay before the insurance company pays out on your claim. The purpose of requesting a higher deductible can lower your auto rates substantially. When you increase the deductible from $500 to $1,000 you can potentially save you over 40% on your car insurance rates simply because the insurance company will pay out less for your claim. However, if you know that you can not pay out the higher deductible should something happen to your car in the instance of an accident, and then it is best to remain at a lower deductible.

When figuring out the appropriate insurance coverage for your car, take into account the age of the car. This could also influence your auto premium, for example you may want to consider excluding the collision or comprehensive coverage on an older car. It is not cost saving to yourself when you continue to pay full coverage on a car worth less than amount you pay for your insurance coverage. If the car has a market value of $2,000 or less, you would not want to pay more in premiums since you will never get back what you are paying out.

You can easily find out the current market value of your car in order to find out what coverage you will require from a number of valued sources such as banks, auto dealerships, or go online and use the search term, “finding the value of your vehicle”. You can find several reputable services such as, or where all you have to do is type in the applicable information about your car and instantly you will have the market value. As the saying goes, an educated consumer is a smart consumer, the more you underst and prior to purchasing auto insurance, you will be able to make an informed and valued decision.

Determining how much Auto Insurance Coverage you Need

1: Other Party:

Auto Insurance Bodily Injury (BI) Liability and Property Damage (PD) coverage is Legally required in most states today. (BI & PD) Most people underst and that they need BI and PD, but they have no idea how to determine how much coverage they need.

Try this simple question: What if your car was involved in an auto accident tonight where heaven forbid, someone else was injured or killed? Remember, everything you own is in the back seat of the car with you and is at risk in a lawsuit! So, what do you think their family would sue you for? $15,000? $25,000? $100,000 or even maybe a Million dollars! Where would you get the money to pay them?

Perhaps the Equity in your Home would help? How about your Savings and/or Investments? You could even have up to 25% of your wages attached to pay the award in most states! Are you prepared to sacrifice everything you own to pay an award due to this accident? If not, read on for how to choose the auto insurance coverage you need.

2: You and Your Family:

Now let’s turn the above accident around. For some unfortunate reason, you or a loved one is the one who is injured or killed in an auto accident. Where would you get the money if the person who hit you did not have auto insurance or not enough auto insurance? Medical bills can be covered if you have health insurance. But health insurance doesn’t cover loss of life, pain & suffering or permanent disability.

Maybe you have a life insurance policy through your employer or your own individual life policy. Is the benefit amount sufficient to cover your family if your loved one is killed? But even if you have life insurance, what pays for the misery, the pain and suffering, maybe the fact you or a loved one can’t walk or use their arms again?

You might have a disability insurance policy through your work if you’re lucky or had good financial advice. But disability insurance doesn’t pay for loss of life, pain & suffering, permanent loss of your legs, arm or h and.

The only coverage that pays for these things is a part of an auto insurance policy known as Un/Under-insured motorist coverage. You can only buy as much coverage here as you have in Liability coverage. Your auto insurance agent should be able to help you determine the exact amount you need.

3: Your Car

Comprehensive and Collision Coverage are the third part of an auto insurance policy and are sometimes referred to as “Full coverage.” Basically the difference is this: If you run into the tree you are covered by Collision coverage. If the tree runs into you (hypothetically of course), then you are covered by comprehensive coverage. Comprehensive also covers broken windshields, fire, theft and v andalism. The higher deductible (risk) you take here, the lower the premium. Use the savings here to purchase higher limits in the coverages that protect your assets and your family.

The bottom line to determining proper auto insurance coverage is, of course, the money available in your household budget. An excellent place to start in determining the proper auto insurance coverage for your family is to meet with your local auto insurance agent.

Most cut-rate companies concern themselves with one thing only: Price. Tell them what coverage you have and they’ll see if they can give you the same coverage for less. You become the insurance professional. If this is the only need you have then that is ok. If not, you need to seek the advice of a professional to help you determine the proper amount of coverage you need and how best to accomplish it.

Review these tips for auto insurance coverage to make sure you have enough to protect your family.

Auto Insurance Black Box Technology Meets Your Darkest Fears

Back in the days before computers, auto insurance was personal and subjective. The insurance agent actually talked to the man he knew in the main office, called in a few favors, and got their best customers the best rates. Male drivers under 25 were charged a lot. Young females, being perceived as less risk, were charged much less.

Now, in the computer age, auto insurance companies have large databases of accident and claims records. By number-crunching these records they can tell what type of person is more likely to be a good driver and what type of person is more likely to be an accident risk. This ‘Black Box’ technology gives them insights into the background and behavior of the people who they think should pay more for their auto insurance. For example, people who carry minimum limits of liability are actually a greater risk than those who carry at least 50/100 ($50,000 per person, $100,000 per accident). And statistics have shown that those with bad credit scores are more likely to be involved in accidents.

In Texas, the minimum liability limit on auto insurance is 20/40. Yep. $20,000 per person, $40,000 per accident. Not much is it? And if that weren’t bad enough, the minimum property damage is $15,000. Guess who makes up the difference if you’re in an accident that’s your fault?

In most states, auto insurance is regulated by the state. But that is only the beginning. The state uses tables of ‘loss ratios’, exposure, and other conjuring words, to justify what the auto insurance companies want you to pay. Every once in a while, just to throw you off, they will even announce a state-wide REDUCTION in auto rates. When they do, hold onto your wallet!

After the state sets the base rate, the individual companies negotiate with them to adjust their particular rates, claiming either a better or worse loss ratio than average. So, after the elections are over, the legislature allows exceptions, amendments, and endorsements to jack them back up to something the auto insurance companies can make a ton of money from.

And there’s more. Most states allow individual companies to set their own rules to determine who gets charged what. So, one auto insurance company rates a particular driver one way, while another company rates the same driver differently. Each company sets those underwriting rules.

So how are auto insurance rates determined? First, the state usually gets involved. Then companies toss the dice between staying competitive and making as much profit as they can for their stockholders. And finally, now that the ‘Black Box’ is here, auto insurance companies are taking a closer look at every driver. Career, credit score, past record, even the city you live in helps ‘drive’ the rates. They have even found that those who select low limits of liability are greater risks than those who select higher limits. So, by raising your liability limits, you may actually lower your auto insurance rate.

For some, the new ‘Black Box’ technology reduces rates by as much as 20% over those companies not using it. The bad news is, since credit scoring does play a part in ALL auto insurance rating, the worse your credit score, the higher your auto insurance will go. No more ‘discounts’, no more ‘loyal customer’ credits, and the like. You will be rated right down to your underwear, placed in a group of drivers almost identical to you, and charged accordingly.