Vanishing Deductable by Allied Insurance


Vanishing Deductable by Allied Insurance

What if you had a tool that you could make your problems just disappear? You know that pile of paper work in your Inbox that just keeps growing? Or how your lawn keeps growing no matter how you cut it? Or that relentless customer that always has a problem with everything, but mostly because they can’t get their head on straight? Or that pesky deductible on your auto insurance What if someone offered you a tool that could help you make your problems disappear? You’d take it, right?

Well, we have that tool. While we can’t get rid of your paperwork, or keep the grass cut, or help with pesky customers, we can help your deductible disappear, and that certainly worth something. In fact, it may be worth $500. This is how Vanishing deductible works: each year eligible drivers receive up to $100 dollars off their deductible for safe driving. It’s that simple. So for each year that you don’t get into an accident, your deductible goes down $100, and continue to do so until you reach $500 dollars. This is exciting news for safe drivers who have less than a $500 deductible. This means you could make your deductible invisible.