Jody and Dennis’ Fairy Tale


Jody and Dennis’ Fairy Tale

[youtube][/youtube]Jody D anduran and her husb and Dennis tried to start a family for many years without success. Finally, they considered adoption and in the space of a year or two, adopted five children into their home. Friends in the video relate that their joy seemed to multiply with each new child and Jody reveled in her role as a full-time mother to five kids at a beautiful home in Colorado. Mindful of their new responsibilities, each purchased a term life insurance policy. After a temporary but long assignment in California, Dennis returned from his lodgings in the Palms. At age 39, Jody died suddenly thereafter from a pulmonary embolism. Her policy helped Dennis to take time off from work to be with the children, switch to a more Dad-friendly job and also covers each child’s college tuition when due.