Make the Right Life Insurance Company Choice

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Make the Right Life Insurance Company Choice

There is nothing embarrassing about a diagnosis of Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) , Depression, Diabetes, Diverticulitis, Down syndrome, or Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding (DUB) . Have you had to divulge one or a few of these diagnoses to purchase a life insurance policy only to have the company turn you down?

Even though, these listed diagnoses are not life threatening, they can become uncontrolled and then life threatening. Unfortunately, some life insurance companies look at these diagnoses as terminal, when in fact; they are not terminal at all.

Do not let an insurance agent or insurance company make you feel that you can never buy an insurance policy because your doctor has said you have one of these illnesses. There are hundreds of wonderful life insurance policies on the market today. They do not require a physical exam, medical records or ask any medical questions of you in order to approve a policy that will fit your needs and budget.

As an example, I do not have diabetes but this illness runs in my family. My mother had diabetes, so the insurance company that I tried to buy a life insurance policy from said my mother’s diabetes put me into a high-risk category. I could not get insurance through that company. I went to several other companies to buy life insurance coverage and I was surprised that they would not write me a policy.

When this happens, you are not seeking the right life insurance company. There are many different kinds of policies available for people with these diagnoses. Do not give up on such an important insurance. It is your right to have life insurance, and you can find a policy that fits your need and budget. I found the perfect policy, you can to.

*Deep Vein Thronmbosis (DVT)