Life Insurance Eligibility for Individuals with Vertigo and Vericose Veins

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Life Insurance Eligibility for Individuals with Vertigo and Vericose Veins

Vericose veins and vertigo are two conditions that are not considered to be chronic, but still may have an impact on a person’s eligibility to obtain life insurance. Health conditions that appear due to complications of another illness or begin to present themselves as a person ages may affect the types of insurance they are eligible for.

Varicose veins are caused by spending excessive amounts of time st anding or walking. The pressure of forcing blood back up towards the heart can dramatically impact circulation in the legs and feet. Varicose veins are the result. The gnarled, rough, rope-like veins can be very unsightly. Spider-veins are less conspicuous than varicose veins but can still impact circulation in the lower extremities.

Don't let something like Varicose Veins prevent you from getting life insurance!
Don’t let something like Varicose Veins prevent you from getting life insurance!

Vertigo is the spinning, dizzy feeling many people get when they suffer from repeated inner ear infections or concussions. Tiny crystals that help the body maintain balance and adjust to gravity can break loose causing dizziness and an inability to regain balance. The crystals are normally found in small structures that help you readjust as you bend, lie down and st and up. As they shift, so does your relation to your surroundings.

Both conditions can be remedied with medical treatment. Individuals who are considering a life insurance policy should make sure they have had a complete physical and all of their medical conditions have been addressed.