The topic of getting life insurance may be broached by your children in the near future, like a bad infomercial parody where everyone gathers around the kitchen table as the oldest child places her h and on yours, stares you straight in the eye, and asks, "Have you considered life insurance in case something happens to you? Who will take care of us when you are gone? How will our childcare costs be paid?"
In response to such a serious question, you may nod your head and answer, "Get your lazy 40-year-old butt of the couch and get a job! You can’t expect me to pay everything for you for the rest of my life and into the afterlife! It’s bad enough you spend all day playing that stupid farming game on that social media site as you waste real money to buy fake money to raise fake livestock you can’t even eat!"
Once your 40-year-old moves out and finally gets a job to start her new life, you may once again consider the topic of life insurance. Insurance benefits can help pay for your funeral costs and be extra income for your kids where they won’t write something bad about you in the obituary section of the newspaper. It is also a huge benefit if you have young children in the family, as the life insurance payments can help them buy all the necessities of life: like real video games that won’t ask for an online payment account.
So talk with a life insurance representative when debating about leaving a hunk of cash to your kids when you die.