Insurance Agents are Sexy

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Insurance Agents are Sexy

You might not think your insurance agent is sexy, but today we bring to you 5 reasons insurance agents are sexy.

Yes that's right, our insurance agents are sexy!
Yes that’s right, our insurance agents are sexy!
  • They see liabilities EVERYWHERE

Looking for a different kind of way to spend an evening? Invite your insurance agent out for a night on the town. From the way you drive to the trampoline in your backyard, there is bound to be lots of conversation about your liabilities and what types of coverage you most likely don’t do need.

  • They are charming

These people get paid by getting business, lots of business. They have to be charming. They have to sell a product most people don’t want to buy, and make the person want to buy more. Who could sell with terms like “pre-existing condition,” ” disability,” and “terminal?” Only a person with charm, and lots of it.

  • They know the value ($$$) for health

Don’t want to get involved with a lazy slob? Date an insurance agent. People who value health can be obnoxious, but they can also be really awesome. Collectively most insurance agents have healthy lifestyle habits. They see the numbers everyday created by unhealthy living.

  • They dress well

Who says polo shirts with a company logo accompanied by khakis is not hot? It shows dedication and loyalty to their job. This look is catching on, insurance agents have it in the bank!

  • They know how to keep it together

​These people deal with some angry folks sometimes. They have to deal with them in a calm and collective manner. Putting on an even-tempered appearance 40+ hours a week, certainly lends itself to a even-tempered personality all the time.

You see the sexy now, don’t you?!