Help! I think I need health insurance!

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Help! I think I need health insurance!

If you are anything like me, you probably get a mean cold about 4 times a year. Last summer I had one heck of a cold. When it started out I thought that maybe it was just a bad case of cedar fever, something that is common in central Texas. I let it go for a week or two by just trying to suffer through it like the rest of the people around me. But my symptoms just kept getting worse. By the end of week two, I had a fever and my throat was closing up. Breathing was nearly impossible.

I of course was convinced I was dying. Looking up my symptoms online only helped to confirm the fact that I would soon meet my untimely death. It took my second day of being sent home early from work to remember my wonderful childhood ability of contracting strep throat. Yes, my old foe streptococcus had struck once again.

An apple a day keeps the doctor away!
An apple a day keeps the doctor away!

Like most of America due to the high price of health insurance I always thought, why bother? Suddenly that little cold that had been itching at the back of my throat all week was now possibly a contagious mess! If I had health insurance I could simply make an appointment with my doctor, get some penicillin and be on my merry way. Only now, I was forced to go to an emergency care clinic. I ultimately, had to wait twice as long to be seen and pay more than twice the price for my medication than I would have had to pay if I had health insurance.

So I took to my trusty friend, the internet, when I returned home and decided to see what my options were. I found a couple different companies online that looked promising and reached out to their agents. Unfortunately, I was considered part-time at my job so I didn’t qualify there. After communicating back and forth with one of the agents and doing some budgeting I was able to get on a health insurance plan. I had finally become and adult! Luckily I didn’t even have to dip into my savings or 401k to pay for it.

The best part of this story is that this year when the old cedar fever was making its way back into our fine state, I was armed with insurance. I went straight into my doctor’s office and got a prescription for allergy medication. It also felt great to have the opportunity to thank him for helping to keep me away from Death’s door. I have also gained a newfound love for being insured. I discovered that my car insurance company offers discounts for bundling! I actually save on my car insurance by having renter’s insurance as well. The renter’s insurance actually pays for itself! If my apartment complex burns to the ground in a wild fire my beanie baby collection can be replaced!

I hope my story of near death and high prices for being uninsured has helped to inspire you to look into health insurance. If not don’t worry, the government is going to make sure you have some before this time next year.