Getting Life Insurance with an Asthma Diagnosis

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Getting Life Insurance with an Asthma Diagnosis

Life insurance is important to have no matter who you are. It helps to pay off debt and cover funeral expenses that would otherwise have to be covered by your family. In the past, people thought they couldn’t get life insurance if they had been previously diagnosed with a chronic health condition. This is not the case.

Individuals who have asthma and other chronic, upper respiratory diseases can get life insurance. Choosing to live a healthy lifestyle and take care of current health conditions allows insurance companies the ability to underwrite a policy that will meet their clients’ needs.

Even if you have Asthma, we can get you a great life insurance policy.
Even if you have Asthma, we can get you a great life insurance policy.

A man diagnosed with severe, chronic asthma while in his teens can now get life insurance in his 40’s. The last two decades have brought huge changes in both the insurance industry as well as the field of medicine. Advances in medical technology are allowing patients with a chronic disease, like asthma, to live longer, healthier lives. Better medications and treatment plans are able to help patients better manage their chronic illness.

When you follow your physician’s orders and are actively pursuing a healthy lifestyle, insurance companies are more willing to take the risk and commit to a life insurance policy. Taking care of yourself does have benefits, especially in cases like this.