Do I need an agent to buy life insurance? (yes!)

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Do I need an agent to buy life insurance? (yes!)

You can buy life insurance without an agent. As long as you have an internet connection, thous ands of companies will always be willing to take your money and offer you generic plans that aren’t tailored to your life. If you love the idea of a web based company that can easily disappear before you get the chance to die, you should definitely consider buying life insurance without an agent.

If you enjoy the idea of just grabbing a r andom figure for your life insurance coverage out of the blue, you will love working without an agent. When you opt to work without an agent, you can pick any number that you want, and it doesn’t have to match with your reality at all. If you like square numbers, you can pick 250,000.

In contrast, most agents require their clients to look carefully at their own debts and financial obligations. They make their clients go through the onerous process of determining how much money their dependents will need after their death. This ensures that your dependents will be fine, but those five or ten minutes with an agent can be painstaking for the person buying the insurance.

When you work without an agent, you can easily determine whether you want whole or term life insurance. You can skim the sections of your contract that talk about ideas like "living benefits" or "exclusions" or borrowing against your policy. If you turn to an agent, they may require you to read the small print. They may actually explain what the plan offers, and let’s face it, no one wants to listen to all that junk. Who has the time?

If you want to save time and have a policy that may or may not cover anything that you need from a company who may or may not be reputable, then you should certainly not work with an agent. Their experience and knowledge will just be distracting and irritating.